THE WORLD COURSE FIRST GRADE: WE ARE ONE PEOPLE WITH UNIVERSAL HUMAN NEEDS Theme l I nderstanding common humanity across various cultural differences and common needs of all people. Description This year establishes the oneness of all human life through an investiga— tion of a few universal human needs. Students learn about what food, water, clothing, shelter, and respectful relationships look like around the world, with a special focus on India. Their understanding of what it means to care for one another and to meet basic needs is deepened by activities involving taking care of plants and classroom pets. At the beginning of the year, students are also given a blank map that they will fill in over the course of the year with the geographical, historical, and cultural information they learn about. The year ends with a project in which Students create a “Book of Me” that includes photos, poems, and essays about themselves, their homes, the foods they eat, their clothes, their families, and their other needs and wants. Looking Back Our world is diverse and beautiful, and we can learn about it different ways. 31