Unit Topic Theme Region Length Fernando M. Reimers et al. K.6 If Things Look Different, How Can We Be Fair? Arts: literature and drama and creative communication All/ any Five weeks Goals and Objectives Skills Learn to become familiar with different fairy tales and folktales around the world. Inspire students to treat people fairly. Act by creating their own fairy tales on the theme of fairness. and Knowledge Students will learn the components of common fairy tales and folk— tales around the world. Students will talk about their thoughts about fairness and why it is important. Students will write and illustrate original fairy tales. Overview Children read folktales and fairy tales whose theme is fairness from around the world; the folktales also serve as a review of the different kinds of dif— ferences and similarities learned earlier in the year (e.g., differences and similarities in clothing, buildings, climates, contexts, animals, celebrations, families, houses, etc.). The students then write and illustrate their own fairy tales. They learn about different puppets from around the world and com— pose a puppet show with puppets and props that they make to represent 28