Fernando M. Reimers et a1. examining the different sounds that each instrument makes. They can learn about orchestras, listen to music, and learn how each dif— ferent instrument contributes to making a larger, grander sound as a group. They can then learn about different musical instruments from different cultures. Activity [(5.4 They learn how Children’s Day is celebrated around the world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children’s_Day). They can design their own Children’s Day celebration and/or iden— tify a person or a group of people they want to celebrate. They then explain why they want to celebrate that person or group and create a thank—you card and/ or other forms of celebration. Grandparents and parents are easy candidates for celebration and thanks, as are the people they met during the tour of the school and the guest speakers (people who serve the community) they met in the previous unit. Resources K5 An explanation of New Year’s Eve (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ New_Year%27s_Eve) http://www.lessonplanspage.com/NewYears.htm Celebrations Around t/9e W/orlu': A Multicultural Handbook, by Carole S. Angell Children just Li/ee Me: Celekmtionsé by Anabel Kindersley (contrib— utor) and Barnabas Kindersley (photographer) (http://www.ama- zon.com/Children—Just—Like—Me—Celebrations/dp/O789420279/ref =sr__1_1Fs=books8cie=UTF88qud=13065235498£sr=1—1) http://www.amazon.com/DK—Readers-Holiday—Celebration— Beginning/dp/O789457113 26