Fernando M. Reimers et al. Activity K.4.2 The teacher can take the class through a series of relevant Peace Corps lesson plans (https://sharemylesson.com/partner/peace—corps—world—wise— schools), including the following: 1) “The following lesson engages young children in ideas and con~ cepts surrounding community with an exploration of the var— ied factors that influence how people live, the roles of adults and children, and the interaction of people who live and work within a community.” 2) “Asha, a young girl living in India, takes the reader on a virtual journey through her village. She offers a glimpse into aspects of her culture and daily life while introducing a variety of words in Hindi. By seeing components of a village in India, students can compare and contrast daily life in India with their own. In do— ing so, they can see that although people may have differences in country of origin, foods, or language, we are more alike than different.” The teacher then invites a former Peace Corps volunteer to come and be a guest speaker for the class. Children ask the volunteer ques- tions that they have brainstormed together as a class based on these lessons and on the particular volunteer’s background and experience. Activity K.4.3 The students brainstorm a list of all of the adults they know in the school, including what they think the adults’ roles are. With the teacher’s help, they identify three to five people and take a mini— field trip to where the different staff members work (e.g., the cafete— ria or the school’s administrative offices). They take a “tour” of the 22