Fernando M. Reimers et al. Unit K.4 Topic What Do Different People Do in My School and in My Neighborhood? How Do We Help One Another? 1 Theme Ethics: trust in institutions and humility and respect and interpersonal: etiquette Region All/any Length Four weeks Goals and Objectives 1. Learn about the different jobs that people perform in the neighbor— hood and the school and how those jobs may be similar or different depending on the context and one’s place the world. 2. Inspire students to appreciate the roles that others play in the community. 3. Act by taking a role in their classroom and helping with the every— day functioning of the classroom. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will know the different roles that people play in the com- munity (e.g., firefighter, policeman, teacher, mayor, etc.). 2. Students will recognize that it takes many people to help a com— munity function. 3. Students will learn basic etiquette that is helpful for interacting with others. Overview At the end of the previous transportation unit, children learn about fire trucks, police cars, trash trucks, ambulances, taxicabs, subway cars, and other forms 20