Fernando M. Reimers et 3]. Resources K.3.1 Sesame Street’s video of Zoe Saldana explaining the word “Transportation” (https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=sesame+street+zoe+salda na+transportation) Pampormtz'on in Many Cultures, by Martha E.H. Rustad On t/ae Go, by Ann Morris from the Around the World series Red, Stop! Green, Gal, by P. D. Eastman. G0, Yim'n, Go! from the Thomas 86 Friends series, by Rev. \V. Awdry The Big Boo/e of Dampomzz‘ion, by Caroline Bingham 0n the Gal, by Teresa Imperato Activity K.3.2 As they look at the collages, the students begin/continue to ask and learn why we need so many different kinds of transportation. They learn about the different purposes that each form of transpor- tation may have (e.g., carrying people, animals, supplies, etc.) and how the purpose of a vehicle may impact its size and shape. They also begin to learn about the different types of water (e.g., rivers, lakes, oceans, etc.) and landforms (e.g., deserts, forests, mountains, etc.). They begin to learn that different modes of trans— portation are good for traveling on different types of terrain. (They can, for example, work with models of various types of wheels on various surfaces as a way to explore which kinds of wheels work bet— ter on which types of surfaces.) They learn about different words and activities associated with dif— ferent forms of transportation and moving and about how those words and activities may be different in different parts of the world.