Fernando M. Reimers et al. is satisfied in a variety of ways. This lesson will explore ways in which the environment influences the design and construction of 3) homes around the world : Activity K.2.3 Making House Models — As part of this unit, students review and learn about simple shapes (e.g., circles, rectangles, squares, etc.) and learn to use these shapes to make representations of where they live. For example, they may make construction—paper representations of their home; use differ— ent shapes made out of gingerbread to make a gingerbread house; or use clay, straw, cardboard, and other materials to build a model of their home. Ideally, they should make a few different types of houses from the same part of the world. Activity K.2.4 Animals, Plants, and Their Houses — As part of this unit, students also learn about animals and their habi— tats and learn to identify the animals that live in their region of the world. ~ It would be a good idea to include a trip to a zoo in this unit. — They also learn about the different kinds of flowers and plants found in their neighborhood. i — They begin to learn about greenhouses and about how a “house” or shelter can enable plants to live under different circumstances than those of their natural habitat. — The students then partner with older students and take pictures. They collect some items that are around them and exchange them with children in other places. A platform that enables such 14