Empowering Global Citizens Resources K.2.1 Houses and Homes, by Ann Morris, Ken Heyman (illustrator), and Ken Hayman (photographer) from the Around the World series, (http://www.amazon.com/Homes—Around—World—ABC—Alphabet/ dp/O736836659/ref=sr_1__2?ie=UTF8&qid=1306891959&sr=8~2) A list of other books about homes around the world (http://wwwamazon. com/ 5/ ref: pd_lpo__k2__dp_sr_sq_top?ie=UTF 8&keywords=homes%20 around%2OtheO/o2OworldO/o20kindergarten0/020 books&index=blended&pf_rd_p=486539851&pf__rd_s=lpo— top—stripe—1&pf‘rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=0736836659&pf_rd_ m=ATVPDKlKXODER&pf_rd_r=0Q6BD6H5MHM87K5JEAAP) The Three Little Pigs W/ondetful Houses Around the W/orld, by Yoshio Komatsu Imagine a House, by Angela Gustafson Homes in Many Cultures, by Heather Adamson Clothes in Many Cultures, by Heather Adamson Children just Li/ee Me: A Celebration of Children Around the \Vorld, by Anabel Kindersley and Barnabas Kindersley A list other sets of lessons on houses tied to story books (http:// www.homeschoolshare.com/houses_and_hornes.php) Building Museum of Washington, DC Activity [(22 0h, Give Me a Home They learn how the climate impacts the shapes and materials used in different places around the world. They can follow the following lesson plan from National Geographic“. http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/15/g35/ givemehomehtml. Here is a description of it: “Just as humans need oxygen, food, and water, they also need shelter. This need for shelter