Unit Topic Theme Region Length Empowering Global Citizens K.2 Where Do We Live? What Is around Us? Global risk: environment; arts: other/architecture; and geography India and beyond Six weeks Goals and Objectives 1. 2. Learn to describe their neighborhood and to identify both man— made (e.g., buildings) and natural (e.g., trees, flowers, animals, etc.) objects. Students learn about the different kinds of houses in which people and animals can live and about how those structures can be influenced be climate and culture. Inspire students to be observant and curious about their surroundings. 3. Act by starting a collection of different items, both living and non— living (e.g., bugs and rocks), and exchanging those items with chil— dren from other schools in the world. Skills and Knowledge 1. Students will learn to describe their surroundings. 2. Students will describe the basic environmental factors that contribute to construction materials and the types of homes that people live in. 3. Students will use basic vocabulary related to the weather and seasons that contribute to clothing materials and the types of clothing that people wear. Overview Children learn to describe their neighborhood and both man—made (e.g., buildings) and natural (e.g., trees, flowers, animals, etc.) objects. They make a collection of different living and nonliving items (e.g., bugs and rocks), 11