Empowering Global Citizens Resources K.1.3 ' http://www.focusfeaturescom/babies 0 A list of children’s books about family for kindergarteners (http:// www.amazon.corn/Childrens~books~about—family—Kindergarten/ lm/RZSCJO7NE3LZYE) ° FamiliexAroundr/ye world, OneKz’dam TimebySophie Purlaud and Pierre Verboudhttp://www.amazon.com/Pamilies—Around—World—One—Time/ dp/0789310090) ° A list of books about family diversity (http://www.brighthorizons. com/family~resources/e-family—news/ZO14—how-to—help—children~ understand—diverse—familiesl) ' Grandfizt/yer’s journey, by Allen Say Activity K1 .4 The Clothes 1 Wear What am I wearing today? What are you wearing today? What is the weath— er today, and how does what we’re wearing relate to it? What are we doing today, and how does what we’re wearing relate to it? Why did you wear this clothing today? — At the end of the color/family activity, children are asked to come to school wearing a piece of clothing in their favorite color. Students review and identify different articles of clothing (e.g., pants, shirts, skirts, socks, blouses, etc). They talk about why they chose the clothing they’re wearing. — The students then learn about different weathers and seasons. Using pictures and cutouts, they look at the different items of clothing they wear during the year depending on the season and the weather. This activity introduces the ideas that the same person may look “different” at different times and that there may be change even within one person. 0 http:/ / www.mewhavenscience.org/ O 1 weather. pdf