THE WORLD COURSE KINDERGARTEN: OUR WORLD Is DIVERSE AND BEAUTIFUL Theme 0 ur world is diverse and beautiful, and we can learn about it different ways, like counting, interviewing, describing, storytelling, and viewing pictures. Description In this grade, children explore themselves, their families, and the world around them. The focus is on exploration, experimentation, experience, and the different methods of knowing and learning. Each unit focuses on a central question or questions and is interdisciplinary (covering literature, science, arts, geography, etc.) in nature. The units con— nect with one another, moving from exploration of the self to surroundings. Throughout the units, children learn about the beauty of difference and that it exists all around us. The last unit is on folktales that emphasize the concept of fairness in the midst of this difference. The culminating activity is a puppet show featuring the different products they have created during the year. The children’s parents will be invited to speak with the class about their experiences of different countries and contexts as they relate to the various