Fernando M. Reimers et a]. The year ends with a capstone activity that gives the students the opportu- nity to engage in complex, activity—based tasks that incorporate the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they have learned during the year. The capstone activity for the third grade is to create a marketing campaign for the choco- late they have made and to differentiate their product based on the culture of their target market. They build toward this capstone activity through the following units: 1. Setting the Stage for the Life of a Chocolate; 2. The Life of a Chocolate and Its History; 3. Let’s Make Our Own Chocolate; 4. Understanding the Culture of My Market; 5. Marketing My Chocolate in School; 6. Child Labor; 7. Taking My Chocolate to the Market; 8. Beyond Chocolate Other capstone activities include the following: kindergarteners take part in a puppet show performance on understanding difference, first graders create a “Book of Me,” second graders educate others, third graders create a business (chocolate), fourth graders create a game about civilizations, fifth graders create an awareness project on SDGs, sixth graders implement an advocacy project about an SDG, seventh graders participate in extended ser— vice learning, and eighth graders create a social enterprise around an SDG. In many cases, the capstone activities build on one another; in fifth grade, for example, students are asked to create an awareness project to inform oth— ers about the SDGs, and in sixth grade, they are then asked to implement an advocacy project about the SDGs. Our aim is to enable students to demonstrate innovation and creativity in formulating solutions to real global challenges and seizing global opportuni- ties. Our various units about different cultures and regions of the world are intended to foster the students’ ability not only to seek and identify the best global practices and to transfer them across geographic, disciplinary, and professional contexts but also to recognize how these different geographic, cultural, and other perspectives matter in devising effective solutions to global challenges. lXXiV