Empowering Global Citizens A. Culture, religion, and history and geography 1. iii. iv. vi. vii. viii. ix. World history and geography, with attention to the role of globalization 1n cultural change The study of religions as powerful institutions organizing human activity Historical knowledge, which includes various perspectives and an understanding of the role of ordinary citizens in history World geography, including the different areas of the world, what unites them, what differences exist, and how humans have changed the geography of the planet World religions, history, and points of contact between civi— lizations over time Major philosophical traditions and points of connection Performing and Visual arts (e.g., theater, dance, music, Vi— sual arts, etc.) as a means to find common humanity Different arts and ability to see connections Ability to View art as expression, to use art for expression, and to understand globalization and art B. Politics and government 1. ii. iii. iv. vi. Comparative government How governments work in different societies Major international institutions and their role in shaping global affairs Contemporary global challenges in human—environmental interaction Sources of these challenges, options to address them, and the role of global institutions in addressing these challenges History of contemporary global conflicts and the role of global institutions in addressing these challenges C. Economics, business, and entrepreneurship i. Theories of economic development and how they explain the various stages in economic development of nations, poverty, and inequality liX