Empowering Global Citizens this approach is that the design of the curriculum has to start with the ex— plicit identification of the competencies that define a globally competent graduate. Those competencies can then be used to map out the sequence of the curriculum and the pedagogies that support the development of those competencies. We defined those competencies as encompassing intercultural competency, ethical orientation, knowledge and skills, and work and mind habits: 1. Intercultural competency This includes the ability to interact successfully with people from different cultural identities and origins. It encompasses interperson— al skills as well as intrapersonal skills and ways to govern oneself in the face of cultural differences. A Interpersonal Skills 1. iii. iv. Work productively in and effectively lead intercultural teams, including teams distributed 1n various geographies through the use of telecommunication technologies Demonstrate empathy toward other people from different cultural origins Demonstrate courtesy and norms of interaction appropri— ate to various cultural settings Resolve culturally based disagreements through negotia— tion, mediation, and conflict resolution B. Intrapersonal Skills 1. ii. iii. iv. Curiosity about global affairs and world cultures The ability to recognize and weigh diverse cultural perspectives An understanding of one’s own identity, of others’ identi— ties, of how other cultures shape their own and others’ iden— tities, and of where one is in space and time The ability to recognize and examine assumptions when engaging with cultural differences lvii