Empowering Global Citizens US does not enact measures to counter this growing competition, it faces the risk of being outmaneuvered, outperformed, and outpaced by countries that have the ability to adapt to ever—increasing rates of constant change, something that will characterize global markets for the foreseeable future. In order to achieve this goal, the US. must possess a citizenry who demonstrate sufficient levels of global com— petency—that is, they have the right skills, aptitudes, and disposi— tions necessary to navigate and excel in a highly fluid, globalized, and increasingly competitive environment. (Balistreri et al., 2012) The Council of Foreign Relations issued an education report that highlights the deficits in the global competency of American students: American teachers, administrators, policymakers, and parents all need to think about how to better prepare students for life in a world that will affect them, directly and indirectly, in countless ways. Young people will need not only the skills outlined here but also a deep and diverse knowledge base about the world around them. The histories and foreign policies of other countries, the na~ ture and function of the international system, and an understand— ing of the challenges and opportunities globalization offers—these could all be elements of a curriculum dedicated to shaping the glob— ally literate citizens our civil service, military forces, economy, and society writ large will need. (Klein 85 Rice, 2012, pp: X—xi) In recent years, the Asia Society and the Longview Foundation have worked with more than twenty—five states through the States Network on International Education in the Schools. This network seeks to support states in developing their capacities to make students more globally competent and to make schools more prepared to implement a global education curric— ulum well (Asia Society, 2008). This network builds on the previous efforts of the Asia Society to identify and disseminate good practice in international education through a competition, the Goldman Sachs Foundation Prizes for xii