Empowering Global Citizens We originally designed this curriculum in the hope that it would be ad— opted by Avenues: The World School, an innovative elite school currently operating in New York City that plans to eventually establish campuses in major global cities around the world. Following this chapter, we present the curriculum itself as we designed it before Avenues: The World School began operating. We note that this curriculum is the foundation for the World Course, which is a prominent component of an Avenues education. The World Course has been further developed at Avenues since its opening; however, that development is not the focus of this book. As we developed this curriculum for a well—resourced school which would be established in New York City, some of the activities and resources presented here may need to be adapted for use of this curriculum in different circumstances. For in— stance, some activities involve exploring the city of New York, or Visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art, or they involve interviewing parents involved in occupations likely to reflect those of parents of students in the Avenues School. While the same activities may not be feasible in other geographies, the principles which underlie the choice of these activities can be general— ized, such as drawing on local resources and institutions such as museums, engaging parents and community members as sources of knowledge and experience, or exploring the particular cities where the school is located, whatever those may be. Similarly, the resources listed in this curriculum are all in the English language, uses of this curriculum in schools where other languages are used for instruction will necessitate identifying appropriate resources in those languages. The goal of this book is to make this curriculum widely available to educa— tors around the world in the hope that they will use it in whatever way they find appropriate as they seek to support their students in becoming global citizens. We believe that we are at the dawn of a new era, one in which global education will be a part of the significant transformation that will take place in education in the twenty—first century. Such a transformation will require not linear extensions of what has been taught in the past or of the ways in which it has been taught but a fundamental rethinking of the teaching and xxi