Fernando M. Reimers et a1. mentorship program, you really listened. I feel encouraged to make it hap~ pen before the end of my senior year and to make things happen for the rest of my [2' 6.” Julia Higdon received her doctorate from the Harvard Graduate School of Education in May 2015. In her dissertation, Julia used data from the 2009 IEA ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study) to exam- ine determinants of intercultural attitudes among adolescents (n=16,847) in seven countries across Europe—~the United Kingdom (England only), Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, and Greecemfocusing on cultural contexts and school climates. Julia established the measurement invariance of a variety of measures of intercultural attitudes to support the validity of cross—cultural comparison, using a novel approach in the Bayesian framework. Julia also examined the ways in which intergroup contact, gen— der, and school climates were associated with intergroup attitudes across these seven countries. She found limited evidence of an association between native—born and immigrant contact and positive intercultural attitudes. However, she found that positive intercultural attitudes were consistently as— sociated with positive and democratic school climates, as well as with gender and attitudes toward gender equality. Julia was working on her dissertation at the time of the writing of this book. Julia is interested in issues of measurement and promoting the use ofcutting— edge statistical methods in applied educational research. Julia is currently a Senior Research Scientist on the Tiger Works Research and Development team at Avenues: The World School. E. B. O’Donnell is a doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and an education consultant. She has over ten years of experience working with nonprofit organizations, international nongovernmental orga- nizations, and schools. Her particular areas of interest and expertise include curriculum development, global education, parental beliefs, early childhood care and education, and emergent literacy and numeracy. She earned a BA Viii