Fernando M. Reimers is the Ford Foundation Professor of the Practice of International Education and the director of the Global Education Innovation Initiative and of the International Education Policy Program at Harvard University. Professor Reimers is an expert in the field of global education policy and in— novation. His research and teaching examine how education policy, leader— ship, instruction and innovation empower children and youth to develop the skills they need to thrive in the twenty—first century. He directs the Global Education Innovation Initiative, he and his colleagues recently finished a comparative study of the goals of education as reflected in the curricula in Chile, China, India, Mexico, Singapore, and the United States. These findings are presented in the book Yeaclring anaI Learning for the Twenty— first Century: Educational Goals, Policies, anaI Curricula from Six Nations published by the Harvard Education Press. This book is also available in Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish language editions. Another recent book, Fifteen Letters on Education in Singapore examines the lessons that can be learned from Singapore’s efforts to build a robust teaching profession, and is available in paperback and as an e—Book. He has authored, edited, or coed- ited fourteen books and ninety research articles and chapters on education. He teaches graduate courses on education policy and educational innova— tion at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. These courses are also offered online via the Harvard Extension School. He is also the faculty chair of a number of leadership development programs offered by the Harvard Graduate School of Education, including an annual program for education leaders interested in advancing global education. He advises governments, international development organizations, universi— ties, public and independent schools, foundations and other educational in— stitutions. He is a member of the Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, Where he chairs the strategic planning committee, which works with all pub— lic universities in the state to align their strategic plans with the state’s Vision Project.