Zade Rosenthal/Paramount/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 382, top left: courtesy of Michael Kaplan; 382, top right: The Ladd Company/Warner Bros/BFl; 382, bottom left: courtesy of Michael Kaplan: 382, bottom right: The Ladd Company/ Warner BrosJBFI; 383: The Ladd Company/Warner Bros./Photofest; 384: Sidney Baldwin/U11iversal/Kobal Collection; 385: Universal/The Everett collection; 386, left: courtesy of Ann Roth; 386, right: courtesy of Ann Roth; 387: Zade Rosenthal/TriStar/Kobal Collection; 388: Michael Ginsburg/Columbia/Photolest; 389, top: Peter Sorel/Universal Pictures/courtesy of John Landis; 389, bottom left: courtesy of Ann Roth; 389, bottom right: Zade Rosenthal/ZOth Century Fox/Kobal Collection; 390, left: courte of Milena Canonero; 390, right: Frank Connor/Universal/Kobal Collection; 391: Universal/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 392, top left: courtesy ot Ma1ilyn Vance; 392, top right: courtesy 01 Marilyn Vance; 392, bottom: Universal/Kobal Collection; 393: Laurel Moore/Paramount/Kobal Collection; 394: 7.ade Rosenthal/l’atamount/Kobal Collection; 395, top: Ertc Leibowitz/Morgan Creek/20m Century Fox/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 395,1)ottom: Jurgen Vollmer/David Whip taker/MGM/Photofest; 396, top left: courtesy of James Acheson; 396, top right: Angelo Novi/Yanco/TAO/Recorded Picture Co./Kobal Collection ; 396, bottom left: courtesy of James Acheson; 396, bottom right: courtesy of James Acheson; 397: Vancol'lAO/Recorded Picture Colt; Fabian Cevallos/Corbis Sygma; 398, top: courtesy of James Acheson; 398, bottom: Etienne George/Warner Bros/Kobal Collection; 399: Warner Bros/Neal Peters Collection; 400, top left: courtesy of AMPAS; 400, top right: Jane 0'Neal/tieffen/Warner Bros/courtesy ofAMPAS; 400, bottom: courtesy of AMP. S; 40]: Jane O’Neal/Ceffcn/Warner Bros./courtesy of AMPAS; 402, top left: courtesy of Debor rah Landis; 402, middle left: courtesy of Deborah Landis; 402, bottom left: Bruce McBroom/Paramount/Photofest; 402, right: Lord Snowdon/Paramount/courtesy of Deborah landis; 403, top: Andrew D. Schwartz/Jean Pagliuso/ZOth Century Fox/Kobal Collection; 403, bottom: Columbia/Neal Peters Collection; 404, top: Michael Paris/Cinemarque New \V'orld/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 404, bottom: courtesy of Rudy Dillon: 405: Stephen Vaughan/United Artists/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 406, left: Warner Bros/DC Comics/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 406, top right: courtesy of Bob Ringwoocl; 406, bottom right: courtesy of Bob Ringwood; 407: Warner Bros./DC Comics/BFI. 19905: 408: Dreamworks LLC/Kobal Collection; 410, top: Linda R. Chen/Miramax/Buena Vista/Photofest; 410, bottom: courtesy of Julie Weiss; 41 1: 20th Century Fox/Para mount/courtesy of 20th Century Fox; 412: Neal Preston/Dreamworks LLC/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 413, left: courtesy of Mark Bridges; 413, right: Gillian Lefkowitz/New Line/courtesy of Mark Bridges; 415: Dirck Halstead/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 416: courtesy of Western Costume Company: 417: Zade Rosenthal/20th Century Fox/courtesy of AMPAS; 418, top left: CineplexVOdeon Films/Photofest; 418, top right: Suzanne Hanover/Cineplex70deon Films/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 418, bottom: Ron BatzdorftYTouchstone Pictures/Photofest: 419, top: Ron Batzdorff/Touchstone Pictures/courtesy of Marilyn Vance; 419, bottom left: courtesy of AMPAS; 419, bottom right: Ron Batzdorff/Touchstone Pictures/Photofest; 420: courtesy of Milena Canonero; 421: Touchstone/Neal Peters Collection; 422, top left: courtesy of Marlene Stewart; 422, top right: Carolco Pictures/Kobal Collection; 422, bottom left: D. Stevens/Columbia/Kobal Collection; 422, bottom right: courtesy of Darryle Johnson; 423: Roland Neveu/MGM/Pathe’/Photofest; 424: courtesy of Albert Wolsky; 425: 'Star/Neal Peters Collection; 426, top left: courtesy of Ruth Carter; 426, top right: Warner Bros/Neal Peters Collection; 426, bottom: David Lee/Warner Bros/Kobal Collection; 427: Firooz Zahedi/Carolco Pictures/Photofest; 428, top left: courtesy of Eiko Ishioka; 428, top right: Columbia/Neal Peters Collection; 428, bottom left: courtesy of Eiko Ishioka; 428, bottom right: Columbia/Neal Peters Collection; 429: Ralph Nelson, Jr./American Zoctrope/Columbia/Tri-Star/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 430: Columbia/Neal Peters Collection; 430, right inset: courtesy of Eiko Ishioka; 431, left: Columbia/Photo by Phillip Caruso/MPTVhet; 431, right: Phillip V. Caruso/Columbia/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 432, left: courtesy of Mark Bridges; 432, right: courtesy of Mark Bridges; 433: Warner Brothers/Photo by Sidney Baldwin/ 434, top: courtesy of Jeffrey Kurland; 434, bottom: Brian Hamill/Magnolia/Swcctland/Photofest; 435, top: courtesy of Joseph Form; 435, bottom: Claudette Barius/Le Studio Canal (USJ/Carolco Pictures/Kobal Collection; 436, top left: Peter lovino/Paramount/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 436, top right: courtesy of Rene’e Ehrlich Kalfus; 436, bottom: Linda R. Chen/Live Entertainment/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 437, top: courtesy of Joanna Johnston; 437, bottom: l’at‘ar mount/Neal Peters Collection; 438, left: courtesy of Ruth Myers; 438, right: Melinda Sue Gordon/Orion/Paramount/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 439: Miramax/Buena Vista/The Everett Collection; 440, top: courtesy of Mona May; 440, bottom: Elliott Marks/Paramount/Kobal Collection; 441: Elliott Marks/Paramount/Kobal Collection; 442: Phillip V. Caruso/Universal/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 443, top: Phillip V. Caruso/Universal/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 443, middle: Universal/13H; 443, bottom: Phillip V: Caruso/Universal/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 444: Frank Trapper/Andrew Cooper/Icon/Ladd Co,/Paramount/Photofest; 445: Gramercy Pictures/Neal Peters Collection; 446: courtesy of Anthony Powell; 447: Clive Coote/Walt Disney Pictures/courtesy of Anthony Powell; 448, top left: courtesy of James Acheson; 448, top middle: David Appleby/Segue Productions/Avenue Pictures/Kobal Collection; 448, top right: courtesy of James Acheson; 448, bottom: Miramax/Neal Peters Collection; 449: Alex Bailey/Polygram/Kobal Col- lection ; 450: courtesy of Deborah L, Scott; 451: Merie W. Wallace/20th Century Fox/Paramount/courtesy of AMPAS; 452: courtesy of Deborah L. Scott; 20th Century Fox/Copyright © Twentieth Century Fox All Rights Reserved; 454, top: courtesy of Mary Vogt; 454, bottom: Columbia/Neal Peters Collection ; , top left: courtesy of Deena Appcl; 455, top right: courtesy of Deena Appel; 455, bottom: Kimberly Wright/New Line/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 456: Monarchy/Regency/C Corbis Sygma; 457, left: courr tcsy of Ruth Myers; 457, right: Merrick MortonlMonarChy/Regency/Courtesy of Deborah Landis; 458759: Gillian Lefkowitz/New Line/courtesy ofAMPAS; 460: Gramercy Pic tures/MPTVnet; 461: Jennifer Carchman/Suburban/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 462: Bill Matlock/Fox Searchlight/Kobal Collection; 463: Ralph Nelson/Jr, John Baer/TriS- tar/Gracie Films/Photofest; 464, top left: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 464, top right: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 464, bottom: Ken Regan/Touchstone/Photofest; 465: Ken Regan/Touchstone/Photofest; 466, left: Miramax/Photo by Laurie Sparham/lylPTVhet; 466, right: courtesy of Sandy Powell; 467: Miramax/Photo by Laurie Sparham/MPTVnet; 468: Miramax/Universal/© Corbis Sygma; 469, left: courtesy of Sandy Powell; 469, right: Laurie Sparham/Miramax/Universal/Kobal Collection; 470, left: Jasin Boland/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 470, right: courtesy of Kym Barrett; 47l,left: courtesy of Kym Barrett; 471, right: Jasin Boland/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 472: Merrick Morton/20th Century Fox/Kobal Collection; 473, left: courtesy of Michael Kaplan; 473, middle: courtesy of Michael Kaplan; 473, right: Mer- rick Morton/ZOth Century Fox/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 475: Keith Hamshere/Lucastilm/Photofest. 10005: 476: Jaap Buitendijk/Warner Bros/Kobal Collection; 479: Dreamworks LLC/Photofest; 480: Dreamworks LLC/BFI; 481: Merie W. Wallace/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 482, top left: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 482, top right: Miramax/courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 482 bottom: David James/Mnamax/courtesv of Colleen Atwood; 483: David James/Miramax/courtesy of Colleen Atw;ood 484: courtesy of Jelfrev Kurland; 485: Bob Marshak/Universal/Kobal Collection; 486, top: courtesy of Betsv Heimann; 486, bottom Neal Preston/Dreamworks LLC/courtcsv of Deborah Landis; 487, top: courtesy of \Iarv Zophres; 487, bottom: Be11nett/Capitol/G1anada/Jersey/UA/courtesy of Mary Zophres; 488, top: coultesy of Jacquel me West; 488, bottom: David Appleby/l ox Searchlight/Kobal Collection; 489, top left: courtesy of Janty Yates; 489, top right: courtesy of Janty Yates; 489, bottom: Jaap Buitendijk/Dreamworks LLC/Universal/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 490792: Warner Brothers/Photo by Bob Marshak/MPTVatet; 491, top: courtesy of Jeffrey Kurland; 491, middle: courtesy of Jeffrey Kurland; 491, bottom: courtesy of Jeffrey Kurland; 492: courr tesy of Sophie cle Rakoff Carbonelle; 493: Tracy Bennett/MGM/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 494: courtesy of Judianna Makovsky; 495: Peter lylountain/Vtbrner Bros/courtesy of AMPAS; 496: courtesy of Karen Patch; 497: James Hamilton/Touchstone/courtesy of Karen Patch; 498: courtesy of Bazmark; 499: Sue Adler/Merick Morton/Ellen von Unwerth/20th Century Fox/Bazmark; 500, top left: courtesy of Ngila Dickson; 500, top right: New Line/Photo by Michael O’Neill/Ml’l'Vnet; 500, bottom left: courtesy of Ngila Dickson; 500, bottom right: New Line/courtesy of Ngila Dickson; 501, left: courtesy of Ngila Dickson; 501, right: New Line/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 502: Miramax Films/Dimension Films/Photofest; 503: courtesy of Julie Weiss; 504, left: Paramount/Miramax/© Steve Sands/New York Newswire/Corbis; 504, right: courtesy of Ann Roth; 505, left: courtesy ofAnn Roth; 505, right: Clive Coote/Paramount/Miramax/courtesy of Deborah Land1s; 506: Zade Rosenthal/Columbia/Marvel/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 507, top: Aaron Ruell/Access Films/MTV Films/Napoleon Pictures Ltd/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 507, bottom: 20th Century Fox/Kobal Collection ; 508: courtesy of Sandy Powell: 509: Miramax/Neal Peters Collection; 510, top: Dale Robinette/Fox Searchlight/Photofest; 510, bottom left: courtesy of Deborah Hopper; 510, bottom right: Merie W. Wallace/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 511: Brandy Eve Allen/20th Century Fox/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 512, top: courtesy of Penny Rose; 512, bottom: Elliott Marks/Walt Disney Pictures/Kobal Collection; 513: Elliott Marks/Walt Disney Pictures/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 514, top left: 20th Century Fox/Regency/The Everett Collecr tion; 514, top right: courtesy of Daniel Orlandi; 514, bottom left: Merrick Morton/20th Century Fox/Regency/Photofest; 514, bottom right: courtesy of Daniel Orlandi; 515: Suzanne Tenner/Fox 2000/20th Century Fox/Photofest; 516, top: Andrew Cooper/A Band Apart/Miramax Films/Kobal Collection; 516, bottom: courtesy of Catherine 'l‘homas; 517: Andrew Cooper/A Band Apart/Miramax Films/courtesy of Catherine Thomas; 518: courtesy of Rhona Meyers; 519: Gene Page/MDP/New Market/courte‘ of Rhona Mey» ers; 520, top: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 520, bottom: David James/Columbia/Dreamworks/Spyglass/Kobal Collection; 521: courtesy of Bob Ringwood; 5 . . Alex Bailey/Warner Bros/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 524, top left: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 524, top middle: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 524, top right: courtesy of Colleen Atwood; 524, bottom: Francois Duchamel/Paramount/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 525: Paramount/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 526: Nicola Goode/Universal/courtesy of Debr orah Landis; 527, top: David C. Lee/Focus Features/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 527, bottom: Philippe Antonella/Touchstone Pictures/Collectin of Deborah Landis; 528, top left: courtesy of Sandy Powell; 528, bottom left: courtesy of Sandy Pow;ell 528, right: Andrew Cooper/Warner Bros. /Kobal Coll ection; 529: Andrew Cooper/Wa rner Bros. /Kobal Collection; 530 31: Kimberly French/Focus Features/Kobal Collection; 532: courtesy of Deborah Hopper; 533, top: Met 1e W. Vta ”ace/Warner Bros. /Kobal Collection; 533, bot» tom: Merie W. Wallace/Warner Bros /cou1tesy of Deborah Landis; 534: courtesy of Isis Mussenden; 535: Phil Bray/Walt Disney Pictures/Walden Media/Kobal Collection; 537: Brigitte Lacombe/ZOth Century Fox/Kobal Collection; 538, left: Andrew Cooper/ Warner Bros./Kobal Collection; 538—39, middle: Andrew Cooper/ Warner Bros./Kobal Collecr tion; 539, right: Andrew Cooper/ Warner Bros./Kobal Collection; 540, top left: courtesy of Jacqueline West; 540, top right: Merie W. Wallace/New Line Cinema/Kobal Collecr tion; 540, bottom left: courtesy of Jacqueline West; 540, bottom right: New Line Cinema/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 541: Merie W. Wallace/New Line Cinema/courtesy of Deborah Landis; 542: Columbia/Pathe'/Sony/Kobal Collection; 543: Columbia/Pathe/Sony/Kobal Collection; 544: courtesy of 20th Century fox/Fox Searchlight Pictures. 560 Pl—lOJOGDADHVCDEDlTS