Toby Maguire (actor): “The Spider—Man suit gave me a freedom that I didn't otherwise teel. I mean, it I was moving around the way Spider»Man moves without that suit on t . . crawling across this table with my clothes on, I'd probably be a little embarrassed about it." i James Acheson: “We had all sorts of ideas for a ‘new-look Spidey,’ but the turther we went away trom the tamous iconic image, the less truthful it looked. We needed to bring the comic to lite. It's a big enough leap of taith to believe that Deter Darker could build this suit in his bedroom in Queens It had to look simple, it had to be extremely flexible—and, Oh, can he still look slim and athletic with a tlying harness hidden underneath?" ‘ SPIDER-MAN (2002) . JAMES ACHESON, COSTUME DESIGNER 30b