El‘§\ i513“) / \ .V V§kfi fw‘i ”in. 11%,." qgfiit‘t (Alvis fifik {é‘kk \ {ii «i "at" ,. / Edith Head: ”William Wyler is such a perfectionist. The Heiress, tor example, was set in the 1840s and the 18505, so we had to deal with two periods. We had crinolines, and we also had hoops, a slightly ditterent silhouette. There were scenes in which Olivia de l—lavilland got dressed. You saw her in petticoats, in little corsets, and in corset covers. Wyler even sent me to a fashion institute in New York, to be sure that every button and every button- hole was absolutely accurate. ltl had to choose a picture I did that was absolutely perfect clown to the tiniest buttonhole, it was The Heiress. Wyler insisted on it."