ENVIRONMENT/BEHAVIOR/NEUROSCIENCE 377 PERSONAL SHOWERS Showers in every resident apartment provide dignity, independence, and residential character. OUTDOOR ACCESS RAMP Gentle interior ramp from hallway to porch lets residents know there is a safe and pleasant way out to the porch and secure garden. DOOR door. inn-[nuan- ) i “‘ l COMMON ROOM VARIATION v The activity room with a faux wood floor, a desk for the |ife>qua|ity I coordinator, and access to the porch in and garden provides a third unique common room for residents. “BACK HOME" VISUAL CUE The picket fence porch with a strong roofline clearly announca to residents in the garden—this is the way back home. RESIDENTIAL BACK PATIO Cookout: and garden parties with families on the garden patio make everyone feel at home. OUTDOOR PRIVACY A solitary bench at the intersection of the garden path and the short cut provides a private place outdoors. \oavrous WALKING PATH THE PARK: A CHAN ' - Clearly delineated garden path with AWAY CE To GET - plants and grass on both sides is INDEPENDENCE RAMP Ramp narrow enough to grasp Q handrails on both sides can support , unstable residents to come and go as they please. tS)ev:ral benches Surrounded by . " > self evident to residents. us es and trees look back over the gentl slo ed ard _ OUTDOOR SECURITY retrezt. p 9 en a peaceful A high decorative fence and building walls create full security in the garden and thereby offer independence. and resident snapshots. At the end of the walking path are a fireplace/hearth and a living room with a television set where resident meetings are held and small group activities are organized. In the middle of the path are a large din— ing room and residential kitchen, and at the other end of the residence is a room with a tile floor, where painting and other messy activities can be run. The common rooms’ decor is varied to stimulate different moods in resi- dents’ minds. The living room has carpet, a unique decorative border near the ceiling, and white flowing curtains. The kitchen/dining room has windows along one side, dining chairs and tables, a tile floor, and a residential kitchen with wooden cabinets and a breakfast counter. The common room adjacent to the porch and garden has less light and furniture more suited to activities such as painting, puzzles, and games. While residents may not remember the precise CAMOUFLAGED SIDE EXIT Emergency ant door on side of Z - hallway becomes I55 visible to i l - residents—reducing their frustration E a a a i' ' at? ' W and their attempts to leave by that