352 CHAPTER I3 Hanging napping basket. achieve this particularly well when they are sculptural, relief-type art that visually impaired people can touch and explore. Colors for Residents with Residual Vision: Bright and cheerful colors and dis— tinctly color—coded floors contribute to sensory stimulation and way finding for residents with residual vision. Tactile Flooring Clues: Changing flooring material and texture near doorways, Stairways, and other dangerous places warn residents and visually impaired visi— tors that they are approaching a doorway that might swing into their face or another intersection at which they need to pay particular attention. Differentiated Door Hardware: Emergency egress doors with textured door- knobs that are shaped differently from the standard hardware on safe interior doors can help residents differentiate one type of door from another. This empowers those students with the capacity to understand the difference between doors of different sorts. Handrail Orientation Device: Handrails mounted on all wall surfaces in hall- ways and other circulation spaces support both wayfinding and physical disabili- ty. Braille messages or even signals like upholstery nails inserted into the top of the handrail at strategic spots can indicate floor levels, room numbers, and other information. Talking Elevator and Safety Keypad: The first Hebrew-speaking elevator in the world was installed by Otis to provide orientation to students moving between floors. The children found it a wonderful place to play, but this raised safety issues. A coded keypad that staff could use to operate the elevator, but not unsu— pervised students, resolved this safety problem. Orienting Interior Spaces: In open—plan interior spaces, such as dining halls or assembly areas, bookshelves and other space-defining elements can help create smaller, more manageable spaces. A student entering a dining room divided by bookshelves or other “shoreline” guidance devices can proceed to her assigned seat at the dining table on her own. Such an environment permits users to com- pute their progress toward their destination without white canes.