INDEX NAVAGERO, A., the poet xi, xvii, xXxix, xli, 1; death from typhus 101, 810. Nile, On the Rise of the xliv. OPHIASIS 61, 299. Ophthalmia, contagious 7, 19, 145, 299. Oribasius xxv. PADv^, University of viii, 79, anatomical theatre at ix. Parotitis 113, 245, 247. Paulus of Aegina 314, 315, on leprosy 159 and psora 161. Phlebotomy 193, 207, 215, 223, 227, 243, 287, 297. Phthisis 7, 19, 39, 58, 119, 185, 187. Plague defined 87, contagious 81, immunity from 63, at Athens 197, in Thucydides 55, at Verona xii, 143, spares the rich 109. Planets, conjunction of portends contagions 61, 65, 149, 151. Pleurisy in Italy 145. Pliny on achores 181, alyssum 261, elephantiasis 161, lichen 181, mentagra 135, 181, papu— lae 177, phthisis 255. Notes pass&m. Poisons 49, action of 21, anti— dotes 195, fevers due to 87. Porrigo 61, 155. Psora 159, 171. RABIES 43, 187, germs of 61, Aristotle on 125. Rannusio, the geographer xiv, xv, xvii, xxii, xxXxv, xliii, 1, 319, 320. Riddell, W. R. liv, 303. Ruellius (Rue!) xlvi, 255, 263, 327, 334. Ruffius (Rufus of Ephesus) 297, 341. SAFATI (saphati) 143. 8alerno, School of xxxiii. 8Salivation depurative 289. 355 Sanies 75. Sannazaro the poet xxix, li.. Satyriasis 163. Scabies 53, 61, 135, 159, 171, 183, 267, 285, 299, contagious 7, Greeks on 189, old pre— scr7iption for, indicates syphilis 147. Scaliger, J. C. the critic vii, xxii. Seribonius Largus 275, 336. Singer, C. 312, 314, 322, 823, 832; C. and D., xix, xxxii, XXXIII, Xxxy, 802, 821. Spanish voyages and syphilis 135, 145. Spälaäelus germs of 61, in syphilis 89. Spirits the xxxv, 27, 33, 55, 89, 115, 225. Sudhoff and Singer 312, 313. Sweating Sickness 97, 241, 243. Syjphilis, the poem xiii, xv, xvii, xxi, 135, 267, 322; derivation of word xxvi. Syphilis, the disease 163, 165, 181, 183, 187, analogy with phlegm 149, distribution of 145, germs of 61, infantile 137, 293, nomenclature 135, prediction of 59. THEOPHRASTUS2O0J. Notes pas— sim. Thucydides on the plague 55. "Trent, Couneil of xxxiv, xxxvii, xlvi. t TTyphus (Lenticulae) 71, 223, 243, in Italy xvi, 57, 101, 145, attacks the rich 109, no fomes 105, symptoms of 103. URINE 193, in pestilent fevers 91, 95, 219, plague 113, 115, 117, typhus 103, 109, syphilis 139. Uvula 321, affected in syphilis 137, 203. VAPORS cause putrefactions 57, (135, 89, plague 113, syphilis 51.