354 Dysentery, contagious form of 299. HEARTHQUAKES portend conta— gions 69. Egypt xxv, elephantiasis in 157, 163, leprosy 161. Elephantlas1s contagious — 7, germs of 61, confused with syphilis 143, 267. THmpirics the 285 289. Epidemiecs 55, predxcted 59. Epinyectis 173! Erysipelas 83, 173. Esthiomeni 61, 175. Exanthemata 7, 69, 73, 177, 183. FALLOPPrUS 340. Farnese, Cardinal xxxiv, xxxviii, xIvi. Fevers arise in the body 89, heectic 79, 93, plague 91, putrid 83. Flaminio the poet xlii. Fomes defined 7; 19, 25, 27, 31, 65, 165, 187, 193, 230, 251, not in typhus 105, or syphilis 137, 169. TFuchs, L. xlvi, 820. Fumanelli of Verona xviii. . Fumigations for syphilis 289. G^Ioxo of Verona xviii. Galen xx, xlvi, 27, on alyssum 263, elephantiasis 163, and cancer 295, myrmecia 179, plague fevers 77, rabies 125, tumors 159, 165. Notes passim. Garrison, F. H. xxxi. Geology, contribution to xlv. Germs (semsnaria) defined 11, differentiated 27, in fomes 17, affect humors and spirits 33, viseosity of 15, 17, 31, 353, 153, 169; 193. Guaiacum xxiv, 235, described 27T HAIR, loss of in syphilis 293. Herpes 175, 177, 179. INDEX Hippocrates 223, against change in habits 241. Notes passem. Hispaniola (Hayti) xxiv, 157, 277. Homocentrica xv, xviii, l. Humboldt on Fracastorius xlv. IyMPETIGO 165, 183, 291. Incafh, villa at viti, xiit, xxxyiii, death at xlvii. Infection defined 3, 5. Inundations precede putrefac— tions 67, cause of typhus 105. Ionthi 169. JEWS and typhus 103, 109. Joseph, the poem xlvi. Judaea, elephantiasis in 157, 163. KLEBS, A. C. xxxii, xlviii, 3839. LENTICULAR FEVER; see Typhus. Leonicenus, N. 143, on elephan— tiasis and syphilis 159, 306, 313. Leprosy 61, 159, 161, 188, 299. Leiters xlv. Notes passim. Locusts indicate putrefactions MANARDUS of Ferrara 313, 328. Marguerite of Navarre, poem to XX. Massalongo, biographer ix, 321. Matthiolus 326, 336. Menckenius (Mencke), biog— rapher, Introduction passim. Mentagra 183, in Pliny 135, 181. Mercury (quicksilver) 141, 299, for elephantiasis 299, scabies 147, syphilis 147, 285, 289; Mercurial frictions 285 foll. Montanus of Verona xiv, xvii, XXX, eited 77, 85, 806, 308 340. Morbilli, symptoms of 73, 179. Mundella of Brescia 231, 319, 321, 323, 326; 330. Myrmecia 179, Avicenna and Dioscurides on 147.