INDEX ACHORES xxii, xxv, 89, 53, 61, 137, 155, 181, 803. Acäustion 45, 129, 267, 291, 299, 41. Aetius of Amida 129, 163, 265, 808, 311, 316. Air, contagion from the 25, 57, 65, 187, cause of typhus 107, of plague 113. Alcon, & poem xlvii. Alopecia 39, 155, 1581, 183, 340. Alphus 155. Analogy 9, 11, 15, 27, 61, 97. Andron 203, 299, 321. Arabian terms, al—guascen 261, althoin 177, essere 175, safati 143, saphati 181, undimia 179. Arabians, writings of 73, on elephantiasis 161, leprosy 159. Archigenes 315, hiera of, for elephantiasis 297, treatment of elephantiasis 163, 295. Area contagious 7, 61, 299, 305. Aristotle on black bile 167, rab— ies 125, 129. Notes passem. Astrology xxxiii, xI, astrologers predict epidemics 65. Atlantis, legend of xxv. Avicenna 223, 314, error of 147, 177, 179. BAcox, Roger 336. Baths for syphilis 289, 291, 299. Barbarani, biographer vii, xix, XXXII, xlyiii. Bembo, Pietro x, xv, xxvi, xxix, xXxivV, xlii, 143, 313. Berni, scurrilous poem of li. Blood analogy of 89, 97, 109, menstrual, elimination of 75, 207. Boll on derivation of * syphilis? xXvii. Brlupo, Giordano, Dialogues of ii. Britain, Sweating Sickness in 97, 241. Bubo as indication 69, of plague 113, 177, 183, 247, synonym of phygethlon 177. Burton, Robert, Ana£omy of Melancholy ix, xiv, xix, XXXV, xXxXXvVi, xliii. Notes passiæm. C^LpIERO, baths of 291. Cancer 181, 295, 321. Carbuncles germs of 61, result of diet 69, synonym of an— thrax 183, 259, plague 245. Catablepha, fatal glance of 21, 27, 49. Cattle, distemper of 57. Celsus on herpes 177, impetigo, 183, papulae 181. Notes pas— söm. Charles V xx, xxxvii. Columbus, Christopher xxi, xxiv, 337. Copernicus viii, xix. De Causis CrWicorum Dierum XyViI, xy, liv. De Contagione xxi, xxxi. De Sympathia xxxiv, Notes pas— sim. De Vink Temyperatura xviii. della 'Torre, M. A. anatomist viii, xxii. Dialogues, philosophical xli. Diascordium 241, 247, formula for 249. Diet cause of infections 69, 167; in Syphilis 271, 281. Dioscurides xlvi, 261,263. Notes passim. 353