BIBLIOGRAPHVT 349 princeps in Opera Omnia, 1555. A portrait of Fracastorius, wearing a flat cap, is reproduced from Maffei, Verona Illustrata, Milan, 1825. Translation good; the Introduction by Bundy is the most thorough extant discussion of the contribution of Fracastorius to literary criticism.) Josuah Sylvester, The Maiden's Blush: or Joseph, Mirrour of Modestie, Map of Pietie. . . . From the Latin of Fracas— torius. Printed by H. L.: London, 1620. 127. (In verse.) A. Chenneville, Hamburg, 1858, published a metrical German version of many of the Poems of Fracastorius. III. BIOGRAPHIES AND GENERAL LITERATURE F. O. Mencke (Menckenius); De Vita, moribus, scriptis Hier. Fracastorii Veronensis, Italorum Sec. XVI nobilissimi, medici praestantissimi, eximii philosophi, subtilis astronomi, et poetae plane incomparabilis. Commentatio. Lipsiae, Breithoff, 1731. (On the title—page is a portrait with flat cap, aquiline nose, long hair. 'This is the most exhaustive Biography of Fracastorius and an indispensable collection of anecdotes and evidence as to his friends etc. / Mencke is less interested in the medical works than in the poems and the literary successes of Fracastorius.) S. Maffei; Verona Illustrata, Verona, 1732 (Pp. 178—182 a brief Vita of Fracastorius; also included in Maffei/s Opuscoli Letter— arii, Venice, 1829.) W. P. Greswell; Memoirs of A. Politianus . .. H. Fracastorius, Translations from their poetical works etc., London 1801. G. O. Manara, Podest&ä di Verona, Intorno alla Casa de Girolamo Fracastoro nella terra d'/Incaffi, Venezia, 1842 (with illustrations of the villa, the study of Fracastorius, his chair, etc). E. Barbarani; Girolamo Fragastoro e le sue opere, Venezia, 1891, Verona, 1897. (A 4th ed. is in preparation. Valuable for chronology, for the political situation at Verona in the 16th cent., and for the literary and philosophical dialogues, but lacks an estimate of the medical works; a partial bibliography, no Index.) Rossi; Girolamo Fragastoro in relazione all Aristo— telismo e alle scienze nel Rinascimento, Pisa, 1893. M. Fiorini; Qualche cenno sopra Girolamo Fracastoro, in Rivista Geografica Italiana, Rome, 1900. G. Crescimano; Fra due poeti medici, Catania, 1906. W. Osler; Fracastorius, in Proceedings of the Charaka Club, New Vork, 1906, II, pp. 8—11. Reprinted in