348 BIBLIOGRAPHN prose by Lucet, 1796 (with a Läife). P. Vvaren, La Syphilis; poöme en vers Latins de J. Fracastor, traduit en vers francais prec6ed6« d/une €tude historique et scientifique sur Fracastor, Paris, 1847. Barthälemy, Syphilis, Poüme en quatre chants, 1851 (an adaptation). A. Fournier, La Syphilis (1530); Le Mal Francais (extrait du livre De Contagionibus, 1546). Traduc— tion et commentaires, Paris, Delahaye, 1869. In Collection choisie des anciens syphiliographes. (Fournier gives the text of the poem, but not of the three chapters translated from the De Contagione, i. e. Book II. Chh. 11—12 and Book III. Ch. 10; the translation is much too free; useful Notes.) G. Fracastoro, Syphilis oder Gallische Krankheit, Deutsch, von T. Lenz, Leipzig, 1881. (Text and Translation.) De Contagione L. Meunier, Les trois livres de J6rome Fracastor sur La Contagion, les Maladies Contagieuses et leur 'Traitement, Traduction et Notes, Paris, 1893. Soci6t6 d/€ditions scienti— fiques. (This is the earliest complete translation of the De Conta— gione; it has some trifling omissions and many serious errors of interpretation; the Latin text needs thorough revision.) V. Fossel, Hieronymus Fracastoro (sic) Drei Bücher von den Konta— gien, den Kontagiösen Krankheiten und deren Behandlung, Uber— setzt und eingeleitet, Leipzig, Barth, 1910. In Klassiker der Medizin, herausgegeben von Karl Sudhoff. / (Considerable portions of the treatise are omitted, without indication, and the errors of Meunier are repeated; no notes.) W. R. Riddell, Hier— onymus Fracastorius and his Poetical and Prose Works on Syphilis. Published by The Canadian Social Hygiene Council, Toronto, 1928. (A good prose translation, with notes, of the poem Syphilis and of the three chapters on syphilis from De Con— tagione previously translated by Fournier; with Glossary of medical and botanical terms, Index, no bibliography, very brief Life.) Philosophical Dialogues R. Kelso, Girolamo Fracastoro, Naugerius sive De Poetica Dialogus, Text and English Translation; Introduction by M. W. Bundy. In University of Illinois Studies, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1924. (The Latin text is a facsimile of the De Poetica from the ed.