BIBLIOGRAPHNV 347 includes Syphilis.) H. Fracastorii et M. A. Flaminii Carmina, Veronae, Berni, 1747. Deliciae Poetarum Italicorum, curante Ioan. Grutero, p. 1045. Selections from the Poems are includ— ed in various Italian anthologies. Opera Omnia Opera Omnia in unum proxime post illius mortem collecta. . .. Accesserunt Andreae Naugerii Patricii Veneti Orationes duae carminaque nonnulla. Amicorum cura ob id nuper im— pressa, ut eorum seripta, qui arcta inter se viventes necessitudine coniuneti fuerunt, in hominum quoque manus post eorum mortem iuncta pariter pervenirent. Cum Illustriss. Senatus Veneti decreto, Venetiis, apud Juntas, MDLV.: (An epigram in this volume, by Nogarola, says that Rannusio collected the material and edited the work.) Opera Omnia, secunda editio, Venetiis 1574; tomis III, Venetiis, 1575; tomis III distincta, Lugduni, 1581; tertia editio, Venetiis, 1584. Operum pars prior [posterior] Lugduni, apud F. Fabrum, 1591 (two parts in one vol.). Genevae, apud Crispinum, 1627. 1628. Operum Omnium, tomi II, Genevae, apud J. Stoer, 1637. Opera Omnia, Gene— vae, apud Chovet, 1671. II. TRANSLATIONS Syphilis Syphilis: or a poetical history of the French Disease, Attempt— ed in English by Nahum Tate, London, 1686. Also included in Miscellany Poems, Publish'/d by Mr. Dryden, London, 1686, 1693, 1716, etc. (Nahum Tate was poet—laureate 1692—1715). La Sifilide di G. Fraeastoro, di G. O. Vico e di P. Belli, Napoli, 1731. 'There are many other Italian Translations; Benini, 1737; A. Tirabosco, Verona, 1739; Federigo, Padova, 1788; Zaccarelli, Parma, 1829 (with text) etc. Syphilis: Traduction en Francais et des notes; P. Macquer et J. Lacombe, Paris, 1753. In French : The title of the De Contagione in this edition is De Contagionibus. , In the British Museum copy, a marginal note in ink at the word Syphilis explains vulgus meretrices porcas appellat. The anonymous Vita prefixed is the ultimate source for much of our information about the appearance and character of Fracastorius. Aleon is not included in this edition.