BookIII OF THE INFECTED SUBSTANCE 205 are endowed with greater force than that due to material quali— ties, as I have said above, and we must especially include in this class Lemnian earth, Armenian bole, seordium, heptaphyllon, the horn of the unicorn, and the gems prev10usly mentioned, especially the emerald48, also theriace and mithridatum, and any other that has been proved by experience. Causties must be used only when the contagion is external and of a malignant charaecter, and in the initial stage. For when the contagion is internal, you cannot apply caustiecs without too great risk. However, when it is external, you may apply them, and you ought to, if the contagion be malignant; but benefit will be de— rived only at the initial stage. For if the contagion has already taken root and insinuated itself within, you will do no good by administering caustics externally. But you may sometimes apply remedies akin to caustiecs, and then you must mix with them certain fats to carry them further in. But if the contagion is external but not malignant, then again caustics should not be employed; for then it is possible to relieve the disease by other and milder means and by detergents only, as in scabies and the like affections. But I shall speak about these again in discussing particular diseases, and say when and how they are appropriate. Hot and dry remedies you should use when the substance is not very acute but rather cold; use dry and cold remedies when the substance is warmer. But since, among these, many are styptic (astringent) and of denser substance, I shall later on consider how they should be administered and how not. NVou will find decoctions helpful when the contagion is internal, for instance in fevers. But you will employ powders when your object is, above all, to resist the putrefaction by a means whose effects are manifold. : I have said enough in regard to the general method of treatment, and I shall now proceed to the particular remedies for each disease, beginning with fevers.