CHAPTER II TREATMENT DIRECTED TO THE PRINCIPLES OF CONTAGION After making the observations recommended above, remember that there are three essential points to which you must direct your undivided attention. First, the principles in which the putrefaection has its beginning and source; secondly, the sub— stance which is on the way to be, and is already beginning to be, infected; thirdly, the substance which has already been cor— rupted and cannot again be restored to a normal condition. The principles are, as I have said, sometimes common to other diseases that consist in putrefaction, sometimes they are peculiar to contagious diseases. Common principles are: plethora, obstruction and malignancy of the humors, and the like. Pecu— liar principles are the actual germs of the contagions. For there is nothing to prevent a man whose health is absolutely good, whose humors etc. are in good order, from contracting a contagion from another person. 'Therefore, if the common principles only are present, we need say no more, and nothing : more need be done than what the doctors prescribe when there are present plethora, obstructions, and other conditions of that sort. But when there are present the principles (primary agents) peculiar to contagions, then there is need of great care and diligence. For if you are at once able to destroy, expel, or break up the germs themselves, then the disease will not progress further. So study its beginnings with the greatest eare, if you have the opportunity; but if you cannot do this, remember that in the whole course of the disease you must pay incessant attention to the germs. For this you need manifold resources, for you must bring now one method, now another to bear on those germs. For they may be blotted out and, so to speak, slain, expelled, or broken and altered, or driven back. But it is not always possible to employ all these means, nor is it advisable, but you may employ now one method now another, now several at once, as the disease itself or the occasion and the rest of the conditions demand. 191