DBook II ELEPHANTIASIS 167 oily. That is why eating the flesh of pigs is peculiarly liable to induce elephantia; for that diet produces a great deal of the kind of. blood that is readily inflamed. In his treatise, however, Galen does not compare different parts of the world except with regard to their diet. 'The reason why this disease is domesticated in Egypt, whereas the Ger— mans and Scythians suffer less, is their diet; the Scythians have it least, because they use milk so much. But those who live in hot climates, also have thick blood and a skin of close tex— ture, though for a different reason, hence their blood also is very much overheated under the outer skin and putrefies there. But in temperate climates the blood is of more moderate tem— perature, and the flesh transpires freely. 'The reason why wo— men and eunuchs, who resemble women, are less subject to this disease than men, is that their blood is chilly and watery. Elephantia does not cause pains or convulsions like those ob— served in French Sickness, because it has a drier basis, and what substance there is does not settle around the nerves and muscles, but establishes itself more in the periphery, and for this reason it does not cause fever. But perhaps I may be asked why this affection does not bring on delirium or dementia, seeing that it is constituted in black bile, inflamed. We must conclude that the reason is that in delirium and dementia the inflammation is especially in the region of the heart and brain, whereas in ele— phantia it is rather in the region of the outer skin; and when— ever it happens that the blood is inflamed within the body also, it is nevertheless not so inflamed as to cause delirium; for nature continually drives the infected element towards the periphery. "TThe members swell, because a great amount of substance has eollected under the skin, and, unable to transpire, grows hot there and extends along the members. Moreover the nourish— ment in those localities is incompletely concocted (digested) and therefore grows into a malignant tumor. Pruritus developes, because the adustion is so acute, and to this pruritus is due the irritation of the sexual organs, a condition which black bile in itself does much to produce naturally, for it is especially akin to the spirits, as we learn from Aristotle. TThis malady begins with the face, because every exhalation ascends very easily, especially towards the face, in which many small blood—vessels terminate; moreover the face is spongy, and hence many other infections also attack the face, especially,