DBook II LENTICULAR FEVER—TVPHUS 111 which the populace lacks, can take greater precautions against the sort of contagion that is transmitted from one person to another; but they can defend themselves less well than the populace from the contagion that depends on the air, since that sort of contagion, though common to all, is more prone to at— tack those who are rather delicate and less robust, and those who are more full—blooded and of less dry temperament, and the nobility have these characteristics because of their luxury and life of ease. 'The populace, on the other hand, are more robust and of drier temperament, because they exert them— selves strenuously, and their diet is more frugal. 'This, then, is the behavior of lenticular fevers, and these are the causes that produce them. Now I will speak of true pestif— erous fevers.