Book II PESTILENT FEVERBS 95 ventilate the heart. That is why the pulse is low and infre— quent, the breathing slower than usual and more oppressed, the contraetion or expiration being quicker than the expansion or inspiration. This symptom oeccurs with the pulse of persons who have been poisoned, as I have often observed. 'The urine is very often like that of cattle, on account of the great ebulli— tion of diverse elements. And if the humor is somewhat raw, there often results white and thin urine, but if there is a great amount of secretions from the blood, then the urine is red and clouded, because of the ebullition; on the other hand, if such secretions are partly burned, vaporised or mingled with thin black bile, that makes the urine resemble pomegranate wine. But I will now proceed to discuss special types of fever.