CHAPTER IV THE DIFFERENTIAE AND ACCIDENTS OF PESTILENT FEVERS Of pestilent fevers, some reach us from. outside, others arise originally in us; some are always fatal, others are fatal to the majority, others again are only frequently fatal. Their analogy (selective property) is varied and surprising. For some are especially analogous with the blood,^3 others with the bile, while some are analogous with certain humors, others again are analo— gous with all the humors indiscriminately, others with the spirits alone, or with them especially. Some are quickly fata!, others kill more slowly. Of external origin are those fevers whose germs have been first conceived in the air or the earth etc. and these things must have been previously corrupted, if the term contagion is to be used correctly. I say germs, not simple vapors, for, as I have said above, there is a great difference between germs and vapors. In our bodies, originally, arise those fevers which along with others have their origin in general causes such as plethora& obstructions and a malignant condition of the humors. But in this case the putrefaction is both foul and confined, and of such a kind that germs of pernicious contagion are produced in it. 'There is no reason why such a contagion should not often be produced first in some individual, and presently be trans— mitted from that person to others. But all contagions that have analogy with the spirits and spiritua!l factors are fatal, especially those that reach us from without and are drawn in by the breath. 'Those that are analogous with the keen humors are fatal to most of the infected, especially if they are carried into the body from without; those that are related to the denser humors are fatal in many cases. How and for what reasons their analogies are so various I have stated above in a general way, and I shall therefore not repeat myself now. Let me now speak of their accidents, (incidental charaeter— isties) in so far as we know their indications and have experience of these fevers. First and foremost, these fevers are per se 89