CHAPTER III cCoNTAGION THAT INFEcCTS By coxTAcT ONLyT An especially good instance of the contagion that infects by contaet only is that which occurs in fruits, as when grape in— fects grape, or apple infects apple; so we must try to discover the principle of this infection. It is evident that they are in— fected because they touch, and that some one fruit decays first, but what is the principle of the infection? " Since the first fruit from which all the infection passes to the rest, has putrefied, we must suppose that the second has contracted a precisely similar putrefaection, seeing that we defined contagion as a precaisely similar infection of one thäng by another. Now putre— faction is a sort of dissolution of a combination due to evapora— tion of the innate warmth and moisture. 'The principle of that evaporation is always foreign heat, whether that heat be in the air or in the surrounding moisture; hence, in both fruits the principle of contagion will be the same as the principle of putrefaction, namely extraneous heat; but this heat came to the first fruit either from the air or some othersource, and we may not yet speak of contagion; but the heat has passed on to the second fruit by means of those imperceptible particles that evaporate from the first fruit, and now there is contagion, since there is a similar infection in both fruits; the heat that evapo— rates from the first fruit has power to produce in the second fruit what the air produced in the first, and to make it putrefy in a similar way, all the more because there is analogy.** Now some of the particles that evaporate from the first fruit are hot and dry, either independently or when in combination, where— as others are hot and moist, either independently or when in combination. Those that are hot and dry are more apt to burn the fruit, whereas those that are hot and moist are more apt to produce putrefaction and less apt to burn. For the moisture softens and relaxes the parts of the fruit that it touches, and makes them easily separable, while the heat lifts them up and 9