iyv PREFACE herbs ^that every gentlewoman in the country knows how to give.^ 'The kindly warnings of Dr. Charles Singer, and espe— cially his article TAe Herbal in Anfiquity (1927), have often saved me, though perhaps not often enough, from the temptation that now besets all translators of such treatises as this, namely to seek equivalent terms in modern botanical works; I am moreover in— debted to him for much information. My thanks are also due to Professor Margoliouth of Oxford University for assistance with the Arabic terms; to Dr. Arnold C. Klebs for giving me the free— dom of his Library of the History of Medicine at Nyon, and for valuable advice; to Colonel Fielding H. Garrison for permission to quote at length his estimate of the contribution of Fracasto— rius to the theory of Contagion; and to Dr. Haven Emerson, who introduced me to Girolamo Fracastoro, persuaded me of the value for medical education and the science of Epidemiology to be ex— pected from an English translation of this treatise, and arranged for its publication. WILMER CAvE WRIGHT. BRTN MAWIHR, SPibj January 27, 1930. 3 /$ QT—WIiA AQ NTISBSR3jV:MLI