1949 My Life With F.D.R. 115 (Continued from page 47) interest in newspaper work as a pro- fession. He had great respect for the type of publisher and editor exempli- fied by William Allen White. I always felt that Father’s interest in newspaper work was tied up with his interest in people. Just as he felt it was his duty to keep the people in- formed of what their Federal Gov- ernment was doing, so he felt that newspapers had the very important duty of keeping the public accurately informed on all sorts of subjects. In later years, as he watched the mounting costs connected with pub- lishing newspapers, he would talk about a possible newspaper of the future—one for which the main body of the paper (covering national and international news) would be pub- lished in some central spot, such as Washington, D.C. This part of the paper would then be distributed, mechanically (by facsimile, perhaps) to cities and towns where it had cir- culation, and where it would also have a small office. This small office would add the first two and last two pages (the wrapper, in fact), which would be filled with local news of that area, and which would carry an editorial on page one when the local editor had something important to say. [(To be continued next month) A Whole New World of GLAMOROUS OPPORTUNITY Waiting for YOU in the HOTEL and INSTITUTIONAL Field inexperienced in ho- tel work was placed as Social Director. Did you ever sit in a beautiful hotel lobby and say to yourself, “It cer- tainly must be a joy to work here”? Did you ever watch (perhaps envy a bit) the hotel hostess, manager and other executives as they went about their happy duties? Now YOU Can Step into a Well-Paid Hotel Job Certified to "Make Good" The Lewis Hotel Training Course can quickly qualify you at home, in leisure time for a glamorous position in a luxurious hotel, fashionable resort, smart res- taurant, club or humanity-serving hospital, school or institution. Previous ex- perience unnecessary. Lewis National Placement Service both helps you secure a position and certifies you will “make good” when placed. Hotels Call for Trained Men and Women This fascinating business is breaking records today and authorities agree the future will see the greatest travel boom ever. Our FREE book, “Your Big Opportunity” tells you how you can quickly qualify. Mail the coupon NOW. COURSE APPROVED FOR VETERANS’ TRAINING Lionel C. King, Superin- tendent of Food Service of one of the country’s largest airlines, was first placed in a position as General Manager of a famousclub bythe Lewis Employment Service — immediately after grad uati ng. LEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOL PO-3145 Washington 7, D.C. FlEWIS HOTEL TRAINING SCHOOL '^uTttssml I Room PO-3145, Washington 7, D. C.JJ year | ISend me the Free Book. “Your Big Opportunity” without J obligation. I wish to know how to qualify for a well-paid I position. | Name............................................... | Address............................................ I City.............Zone.........State................ I Check here if eligible under G I Bill of Rights I I I I I I I