1949 115 where polio victims could get the most advanced treatment known at the time, regardless of race, color, creed or financial ability. We would drive down to the little town itself, sometimes just to buy a “coke,” and sometimes to stock up on groceries. While we did the shopping, Father would sit in the car and talk with all and sundry who passed by. For a while, he even wrote a column for an Atlanta newspaper. With all this activity, and many other interests, he was still working every day, for long hours, to strength- en the muscles in his own legs. ^Sometimes this involved great and real pain, as when I once saw him walking, without braces, between two railings. The power wasn’t in his legs; it was in his strong arms and shoulders with which he propelled himself forward, very slowly. This time something happened. He might have slipped—but, anyway, he fell. One leg crumbled under him, wrenching tendons and muscles. He winced, and beads of perspiration came out on his forehead. It was many days before the pain eased suf- ficiently for him to go back to the slow, but necessary, exercise between those bars. Father’s political thinking was con- stantly developing, particularly now. He was thinking in terms of govern- ments and people and the part he could play in a world changing fast. Simultaneously, however, he was fighting his own personal battle. (To be continued next month} Loses 40lbs. better In all my life." M Iss Betty Blazek of Chi- cago has writ- ten: “I lost 40 lbs. In 3 months. I "GET THIN TO MUSIC" with WALLACE Reducing Records M IN JUST 7 DAYS, prove 4 to yourself, FREE OF OJLSgi COST, that you, too, can take off 10, 20 or more wallacejB Poun