Besides the FREE KNIT KIT, here’s how you benefit by joining the DESIGN-OF-THE-SEASON CLUB (for Hand Knits, Crochet, and Needlework) Original designs for the whole family created for Club members only... new designs with full instructions mailed each season... enroll for only one dollar. If you like to knit, crochet or do needlework —if you get a kick out of making original designs for yourself and other members of the family—and if you’d like to save a lot of money making your own gifts instead of buying them at today’s high prices, you’ll want to join the Design-of-the-Season Club now! Here’s how the Club works ... For each season of the year the Design-of- the-Season Club sends you a lovely and practical group of at least eight original de- signs for the entire family—designs espe- cially created for Club members by the fore- most hand knitting, crochet and needle- work experts here and abroad. The designs include unusual and useful gift and house- hold suggestions, as well as exciting ideas for each member of the family—infants, youngsters, teen-agers, grown-ups. They will arrive well in advance of the season for which they are appropriate. Simple, step-by- step instructions come with all designs— even a beginner can follow them. Designs worth $100 to $300 each ... If you were to ask a top-ranking designer for an originally designed model of a blouse, suit, dress, sweater, or anything else, she would undoubtedly charge $100 to $300 for her services. Few of us can afford such fees —and now it is not necessary to pay them. For your membership in the Design-of-the- Season Club will bring you at least eight such expensive designs each season without pay- ing what they are really worth. These de- signs will not be available anywhere, at any price. CHARTER MEMBERSHIP costs so little... but send no money now. The Design-of-the-Season Club has set a very small fee on the cost of membership so that, if you are sincerely interested in knitting and needlework, nothing should prevent you from joining. For the modest, introductory fee of only one dollar a season, you will be supplied with not less than 32 striking gift and fashion ideas throughout the year. At no extra cost, you will also receive a Special Christmas Gift Supplement featuring many wonderful ideas for adults, children and infants. This Gift Supplement alone will easily be worth the year’s membership fee. For a full year of pleasure and profit, at a cost of a few pennies a week, please fill in the coupon and mail it today. As each season’s set of eight designs arrives, deposit with the postman only one dollar, plus a few cents postage. As soon as your enrollment coupon arrives, we will send you the first set of eight origi- nal designs, plus the FREE Susan Bates’ Knit Kit described on the opposite page. Supply of these free kits is limited, so mail the coupon now. HOW TO GET 24 PERSONALIZED NAME LABELS without Extra Charge One of the Club’s big expenses (and headaches, too!) is handling C.O.D. shipments or sending small bills. You can help us by depositing $4.00 with the Club to cover your membership for the next four seasons. If you do, we’ll pass on our savings to you by sending you 24 exclusively de- signed Club labels with your name on each one. Sew them into the garments you make from Club de- signs and be the envy of your friends and neigh- bors. These labels are beautiful and you couldn’t buy them anywhere. But they are yours Free if you pay for your membership in advance. You’ll still receive your Susan Bates needle kit, of course. So fill out the coupon today. Ill