FREE! Designed for, and available only to, De- sign-of-the-Season Club members What a wonderful and practical kit for knit- ters, crocheters, needleworkers! How much easier and better you’ll work with these new, modem needles, hooks, and other knit- ting aids. How much time and effort you’ll save! You cannot buy this Knit Kit any- where—but it can be yours FREE by ac- cepting the Special Charter Membership Offer described on the opposite page. Here is what this useful kit contains: (1) Two pairs of 10" single point Silva- lume precision-tapered needles. (2) One set of double point Silvalume pre- cision-tapered needles. (3) Two micro-ground crochet hooks—one steel, one Silvalume. (4) A wonderful, new Stitch Measure, to check stitch gauge easily and accurately. Comes complete with 60 inch tape measure. (5) One Cablestitch Holder, to make cable stitching easier. (6) One stitch-holder to hold stitches when* not in use. (7) One Yarneedle, to sew sweater seams, and for wool embroidery. (8) One Knit-Count, to help you keep track ’ of stitches and rows. * The supply of these handy KNIT KITS is strictly limited. Be sure to get yours by mailing this coupon today. _________________________________________________________________________________ Mail this coupon for your FREE KIT and Charier Membership in Design-of-the-Season Club DESIGN-OF-THE-SEASON CLUB, 48 East 43rd St., New York 17, N. Y. 6-TW Please send me your free Susan Bates’ Knit Kit and enroll me in the Design-of-the Season Club at your special introductory membership rates, as checked below. I un- derstand that membership entitles me to at least eight original knitting, crochet, and needlework designs, four times a year: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. I am also to get, at no extra cost, your Special Christmas Gift Supplement, when issued. CHECK PREFERENCE: I will pay postman $1 (plus postage) for each set of 8 seasonal designs to be delivered 4 times a year. Q] Enclosed is my advance payment of $4.00 covering a full year’s (4 sea- . sons) membership. For this you will send me an additional free gift—24 beautiful garment labels personalized with my name right on the fab- ric. You will also pay all postage and handling charges in advance. Name.......................................................... v Address......................................................... EXTRA GIFT GET 24 PERSONALIZED NAME LABELS FREE! City................................................Zone.........State................. 110