1949 ready, no husbands rushing their wives, nothing planned. Just a phone call at an unexpected moment. One of the girls wore a house dress, and her husband was in sweat shirt and sneakers. Mike served hasty drinks, laughing at the quips about their being so much in love. The dinner was a suc- cess. All evening it was Mike this and Mike that. Mike shone, just as she wanted him to shine. Her friends saw him as she saw him, as she Laughter For Two 103 wanted them and the whole world to see him. It’s going to be all right, she thought happily. But what if I’d said the wrong word! What if I’d said, “Oh, Mike, you always mess up ev- erything” ? Marriage, she thought. It’s laugh- ing when you want to cry. It’s telling a man he’s great when you want to say he’s a failure. It’s giving him a hug when you’d like to slap him down. Marriage is a great institution. . To soften glue, add a little vinegar and kg let stand a day or two. . It the corner of a rug insist^on^urlxng Ig UP, dampen it with cold water^^ floor l::: KnPp?eace“ooks over the dampened corner an k let it dry flat. b: • When “asuring molasses^ ^rst^g^a^en :• ^^EitU VtU enables every drop of L molasses"to leave the cup. ; . vinegar is very effective in removrng paxnt L stains from glass. L • The most stubborn jar tops “^scrOT on^ SisTun^ariuS^thredg^ of the top. | .To brighten tarnished gold, jewelry, ^xt 1a1„lhtt1hyenWVnhbaXthsoda. |