kt 1949 How to Survive ■ The forty-mile gale waits until my big toe touches water. Then it blows. I That might make a man less de- Ilermined than I am to pause at the Ivater’s edge. It certainly makes me I'ause at the water’s edge. While I Hurn lavender blue, a giggling young voman dashes by, pursued by a gig- ling young man. She sends up a tidal wave that ■ Encases me in ice. He bumps me into HKn impromptu dive. The incoming ® ■amber lifts me wrong end up, ■ Breaks a few clam shells with my ■ Head and deposits me on shore, gar- ■ ■'.nded with seaweed. HAnd at the end of this delightful ay, the long voyage home. The kids imble into the car with wet suits, IM>ys full of sand, hair full of sand, ^■mpers full of sand, sunburn full of nd, sand full of sand. In a manner ^3: speaking, you never leave the ^ftach. You can’t. As a result of years of this kind thing, I have drawn up a code of |;ach behavior which I hope to per- lade the authorities to post at every athing point. If everybody will co- Iaerate, I think we can put an end beach problems. Or at least to :aches. URule 1. Parents coming to a public :ach must leave children in the cker room. Preferably in the lock- I^ms. Husbands and single women will allowed on the beaches. Wives lay occupy the boardwalk, but bi- -^■loculars must be checked. 47 Rule 2. All beaches will remain closed until 11:30 a.m., to give every- body a fair chance. Then a lifeguard will fire a pistol, and everybody will race for desired positions. Husbands with two kids, eighteen towels, a ra- dio, beach umbrella, two rubber tubes, two back rests, two sand pails, two shovels and a suitcase will be given a 100-yard handicap. And a porter. Rule 3. Any portable radio that is tuned in to a Mr. and Mrs. breakfast show will be exploded by infra-red rays from the lifeguard tower. Any- one finding eyes poked out by beach umbrellas will turn them in to the lifeguard. Anyone finding the life- guard will receive a $100 reward. Rule 4. Schedule of fines: $5 for dribbling on dry bathers. $10 for running along beach and kicking sand on a bather’s sandwich. $15 for performing water acrobatics and landing on the neck of Jules Archer or any of his relatives. $20 for tossing mud at a friend emerging from the water, missing him, and not missing Jules Archer. $25 for hanging onto a guide rope in the water, then let- ting it snap back under the chin of any father with two children. Rule 5. Public beaches will be closed every year between the months of April and October, except to writ- ers unaccompanied by their families. Since their families won’t let them go alone, anyhow that will keep our beaches nice and clean. %:*******************5|c**5|c^^j|c*5|c2|<:**************** ********