IIOW SELBY C. OPPENHEIMER ADVERTISED. Three-sheet posters were displayed throughout the Golden Gate City, giving the list of artists that this enterprising manager has hooked for California tours next season. Mr. Oppenheimer reports that things look good for next season and that on a recent trip on the road he succeeded in placing more concerts than ever. management SELBY C. OPPENHEIMER WARY GARDEN SOUSA GALLi-CURCI SCHUMANN-HEiNK PAVLOWA CHALIAPIN ZIIYIBALIST ANNA CASE DE GOGDRXA DUNCAN DANCERS JOSEF SCHWARZ sc¡»? c. WWW* MARY CARDEN SOUSA ’״.״ CAiLi-cuma 5CHU!YIAN*Ha«< PAVLOWA CHALIAPIN UMBAUST ANNA CASE OC COCORZA OONCAR DANCERS JOSEF SCHWARZ ucu -------- • uu< t MARY CARDEN* SOUSA •r:״' CALU-CURCI SCHUMANN-HONK PAVLCWA ru*i IAOIH UMBAUST ANNA CASE Dt COCORZA DUNCAN DANCERS JOSEF SCHWARZ GtCU -----— «.«׳ c mwwi I MARY CARDEN | SCUSA •.־־־ I CALU-CURCI I PAVLOW8 CHALIAPIN ZBWBALIST ANNA CASE Ot COCORZA I MARY CARDEN I SOUSA ״,־.£' CALU-CURCI SCHUMANNHO*K PAVLOWA CHAUAPIN IZIMBALIST ANNA CASE Of COCORZA ,DUNCAK buicm JOSEF SCHWARZ FEODOR CHALIAPIN SAILS. The famous basso bidding good-bye to his manager, S. Hurok, on the S. £ Mr. Hurok left for Europe on the Majestic on June 23. {Photo by Pain New VLADIMIR SHAVITCH, who has just been made associate conductor of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr. Shavitch sailed for Europe on the Mauretania, June 19, to join his tvife—Tina Lerner, the pianist—and daughter for a short vacation before taking up his new duties. THE CHERNIAVSKY TRIO, which recently finished a successful tour in Egypt. The trio will return to the United States in November and make a tour under the management of S. Hurok. (Photo by Elliott and Fry.) GUI OMAR NOVAES ON TOUR. (/) Eh route—showing two powerful media for drawing crowds. The crouds, however, have little use for Locomotive 1175 after they get where they are going; whereas it is difficult to make them go home after a Novaes concert. (2) Somewhere in California. (3) Accustomed as is the patient New Yorker to the long-ago picked Sunkist, fresh from the bag, this pleasing picture showing Mme. Novaes with the orange in its native habitat will prove educational. {’!) The pianist photographed with the famous “Mary.” {5) Albuquerque, New Mexico, the land of hot sun, Navajo blankets, Aztec pottery, and still more sun.