31 MUSICAL COURIER Mana-Zucca’s Piano Teaching Pieces Popular It would seem that Mana-Zucca has_ made a name for herself as a composer of easy teaching pieces for the piano, which are being taught by numerous teachers in the country. Over sixty of these have been published for the first, second and third grades. These little pieces have been graded with the utmost care in order to keep the young pupil continually interested and so a slight improvement is bound to show from lesson to lesson. Nikisch to Play at Wells College, Aurora Although both New York and Bo'ston are priding themselves that they will have the first opportunities to pass judgment on Mitja Nikisch in recital and with orchestra respectively, his actual American debut will take place in recital at Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., on October 19, four days before his first New York recital in Carnegie Hall on October 23. Summer Dates for Ethelynde Smith Ethelynde Smith, the popular soprano, includes the following among her summer engagements: East Carolina Teach- ers’ College, Greenville, N. C., June 29, and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, July 2. Other dates are pending and will be announced later. Easton Singing in Colorado Springs Florence Easton, the Metropolitan soprano, will appear in recital at Colorado Springs, Colo., on October 24 next, in connection with other western engagements which the artist will make that same month. May Peterson to Sing in Lincoln May Peterson, the Metropolitan soprano, will appear in recital at the Temple Theater, Lincoln, Neb., on April 14, for the Matinee Musical of that city, en route to her concert tour of the Northwest. Canadian Tour for Duncans I. E. Suckling, of Toronto, Ontario, has engaged the Duncan Dancers, Anna, Lisa, Margo, for a tour of six performances in the Province of Ontario. YOUNG ARTISTS DESIRING TO APPEAR BEFORE THE NEW YORK PUBLIC in Carnegie Hall, Aeolian Hall, Town Hall or in one of the smaller theatres will receive the benefit of expert management by a nationally recognized concert bureau GUARANTEEING REAL PUBLICITY next, in recital en route to her concert tour of the West, Northwest and Pacific coast that will last until the Christmas holidays. Trabilsee Giving Summer Courses in New York Tofi Trabilsee, vocal teacher and baritone, will be kept busy in New York this summer because of the students who wish to continue under his instruction. Two of his pupils who have reached Broadway are Jack Bauer and Lou Kru-gel. Mr. Bauer has recently signed a contract to appear in Blossom Time and Mr. Krugel is with the Keith Vaudeville. Because of these two, as well as a large number of other pupils who wish to study with Mr. Trabilsee during the summer, the latter is giving summer courses in vocal work. Mr. Trabilsee works conscientiously and with untiring energy to produce results and always has the welfare of his pupils uppermost in his mind, bringing them before the public whenever there is an opportunity. He also has the advantage of being a singer himself, possessing a resonant baritone voice. He sang for a radio recital broadcasted from Ridgewood, WHN, on Friday, June 22. Lenora Sparkes Returns to New York Lenora Sparkes, the Metropolitan soprano, whose name again appears on the roster of that organization, has returned to New York after a holiday in California following the close of her Season at the Spartanburg, S. C., May Festival. Miss Sparkes will spend the summer in her Long Island bungalow, but will interrupt her vacation on August 4 to open the series of Saturday afternoon recitals at the Building of Arts, Bar Harbor, Me. Gerardy to Leave for New Zealand Jean Gerardy has been having unusual success in his appearances in Sydney, Australia. On July 10 he will leave for New Zealand, where he will be heard in fifteen concerts, five of which will be in Auckland. Arthur Hackett Booked With Orchestra Arthur Hackett has been engaged for two appearances with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra next season for the performances of the Beethoven Ninth Symphony in the Twin Cities. Felix Salmond to Play in Bar Harbor Felix Salmond will appear in recital in Bar Harbor, Me., on August 11. The noted cellist already has left New York to spend the summer in New Canaan, Conn. June 2 8, 1923 Carolyn Alehin’s Books in Demand Carolyn A. Alehin is one of the recognized authorities on harmony and composition in this country. Her books are CAROLYN ALCHIN in many large schools and teachers’ colleges throughout the United States, and her teachers are in great demand. Miss Alehin and one of her teachers again will conduct all classes in her line at the Berkeley Summer School, University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Two of her teach-ers have charge of the classes for the summer session of the University of California, Southern Branch, in Los Angeles. Two others are to teach in Dr. Hollis Dann’s School at Westchester, Pa., this year. Her books are in two State colleges in Colorado, and demands are increasing. A gratifying tribute to Miss Alehin was a recent very large order from the John Church Company of New York for books for a prominent school. Her third^ and newest book is due from the press this month, and will be a welcome addition to her valuable list. J. C. Burmester Bluffed by Bandits Willy Burmester, the noted German violinist, who is to make his reappearance on the concert stage in the United States and Canada next season after an absence of more than twenty-five years, sailed from Shanghai for San Francisco, and will come immediately to New York, but not to play. He is en route to Berlin, and his change of plans is due to the bandit-ridden section of China where he was engaged to play. He was strongly urged to cancel his engagements through China, which followed his Japanese successes, and acting upon this advice decided to return to Germany at once for a rest before beginning his American engagement next season, which will begin at Carnegie Hall on October 20. Mr. Burmester will devote a week here to making records for the phonograph and sail at once for Berlin, where he will remain until he is due to return to New York for his concerts. Brooklyn Institute Engages Charlotte Lund Beginning November 8, Charlotte Lund and Val Peavey have been engaged by the Brooklyn Institute to give five operatic recitals, including Thais, Madame Butterfly, Louise, La Boheme, and Romeo and Juliet, Miss Lund giving a synopsis of each work, and, with Mr. Peavey at the piano, singing solos and giving duets with him. Several other large institutions are negotiating for their opera lecture recitals. Vecsey to Be Heard in Northern Europe Ferenc Vecsey, who is now being heard in Italy, will appear in London, Liverpool and Edinburgh during the latter part of July and August. This violinist will be heard in America next season, under the direction of R. E. Johnston. Another Recital Date for Miinz Mieczyslaw Miinz’ engagements for his second season in America will include a recital in New Castle, Pa., on January 16, besides his various orchestra appearances and other dates already announced. Coppicus to Summer at Portchester F. C. Coppicus, of the Metropolitan Musical Bureau, will not go abroad this summer, having engaged a house at Portchester, N. Y. Sundelius at University of Iowa More popular than ever on a college concert course, Marie Sundelius, the Metropolitan soprano, will appear at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa., on October 31 if they will apply to “M, A. K.,” care of Musical Courier, 437 Fifth Avenue, New York. MASTER INSTITUTE OF" UNITED ARTS Music—Painting—Sculpture—Architecture—Opera Class—Ballet—Drama—Lectures 312 West 54th Street, New York Cttj Phone 3954 Circle