13 MUSICAL COURIER June 21, 1923 “Miss Roselle won her way straight to the hearts of all present. The enthusiastic applause, long, continued and of that spontaneity that is convincing, amply testified to that. Of exceedingly charming personality and graciousness of manner, possessor of an exquisite voice, she is indeed one of the best soloists it ever has been Butte’s good fortune to enjoy. She has remarkable range, her lower tones are flute-like in purity, her middle register flawless and her higher vocalization delightfully clear and harmonious. Such singing is a real treat ."—The Butte Miner—BUTTE. “Anne Roselle has a very flexible and warm soprano voice, clear, limpid tones, excellent vocal production, unusually clear diction and a sympathetic insight into what she might be singing.”— The Denver Post—DENVER—May 2nd, 1923. “Anne Roselle soprano, added to the triumph of the occasion by her splendid rendering of the ‘Pace pace’ aria from Verdi’s ‘Forza del Destino’ and the Bird Song from ‘I Pagliacci.’ Here is a voice of great character and purity, and she encompassed her exacting numbers with gratifying finish and much interpretative intensity. A clamant reception resulted in two encores.”—The Vancouver Sun—VANCOUVER—May 28th, 1923. “Mme. Roselle unites charm of personality and beauty with a voice admirably suited to Mozart’s crystal music, trom the first the audience took the singer to its many hearts. She was recalled again and again and gave an encore which, too, was beautifully sung and the singer made an attractive picture which counted in the deepening of the undoubted impression she had made on the house.”—The Sunday Oregonian—PORTLAND—May 20th, 1923. “She possesses a voice of rare beauty, crystal clear, limpid and bell-like in its delightful quality. Miss Roselle sings as though singing were the most beautiful thing she could offer a hungry world and she delights in pleasing. To hear her is an experience worth remembering. She is an artist different from others. Her smile is different it is sincere and sweet and at once intriguing. Her audience loved her from the first.”—St. Joseph Gazette—ST. JOSEPH—April 28th, 1923. “Miss Roselle’s voice is of lovely quality, fresh, musical and of great range. She throws herself unrestrictedly into her work and is convincing throughout on account of her absolute sincerity. She has besides a charming stage presence.” Evening World-Herald—OMAHA—April 26th, 1923. “She was delightful in every way, in voice, manner of singing and stage presence. Her voice is of very beautiful quality with especial power and beauty in its high tones. She sings with ,clean-cut technic, with^a surety that never fails her, and with convincing art in her interpretations.”—Evening Bee—OMAHA—April 26th, 1923. “Anne Roselle evinced a wealth of power, passion, art, and technic that placed her on the heights in the estimation of her hearers. She is essentially and intensely dramatic, but in addition to this she proved her lyric talents in an exquisite rendition. —Salt Lake Tribune—SALT LAKE—May 9th, 1923. A FEW DATES STILL AVAILABLE—SEASON 1923-1924 Exclusive Management: UNIVERSAL CONCERT BUREAU, Inc., 17 East 42nd Street, New York