43 MUSICAL COURIER e 7, 1923 LB DUC de KAKIYAK, cruising in the Panama Canal on his private yacht and engaged in the pastime to which he devotes most of his spare hours, viz.: reading his favorite journal. (Photograph sent in M. le Due himself.) ARTHUR HACKETT, enor, who is featuring on all his programs Mana Zucca’s song, I Shall Know. ELAZABETH HARRISON, soprano of the Savoy Company, who sang the part of Mabel in the recent production of The Pirates of Penzance at the Broad Street Theater, Philadelphia, and scored an emphatic success. The company presented this opera on June 2 at the residence of Pierre DuPont in Wilmington, Del. Miss Harrison has had but one vocal teacher, W. Warren Shaw. (Photo by Marceau) ADELLA PRENTISS HUGHES, the well known concert manager of Cleveland, Ohio, who was recently presented ivith a golden bowl in commemoration of her twenty-five years’ service to the community as a promoter of musical activities and manager of concerts. The presentation was made by Andrew Squire on behalf of the Music Arts Association at the fourteenth pair of the Cleveland Symphony concerts. TWO FAMILIAR FIGURES. The well known New York vocal teacher, William S. Brady, and the American contralto, Kathryn Meisle, who has for the past five years been studying with him. SUZANNE KEENER, oprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, who had about eventy-five appearances this last season, which is quite a record for her debut year. (Photo © Mishkin) MINNA KAUFMANN, concert artist and teacher of singing, who was among those sailing for Europe on the Bergensfjord on May 25. While abroad Mme. Kaufmann plans to coach for several weeks with her former teacher, Marie Lehmann. She will resume teaching at her Carnegie Hall studio in New York on September 15. CECIL FANNING ,as recently in New York for a brief visit between concert ours. The above shows his interest in the first signs of spring in Central Park.