MUSICAL COURIER 52 May 31, 19 23 SUMMER NORMAL SESSION AND MASTER SCHOOL AT AMERICAN CONSERVATORY, CHICAGO, DRAWS STUDENTS FROM ENTIRE COUNTRY Josef Lhevinne, Delia Valeri, William S. Brady, George H. Gartlan and Jacques Gordon the Guest Instructors to post-graduate work. Last season was eminently successful in Mr. Gartlan’s classes at the Conservatory, being attended by supervisors from all parts of the country. The teaching time of those three instructors is practically filled and professional singers, teachers of the voice and Photo C. Manley De Bevoise GEORGE H. GARTLAN advanced students are strongly advised to close their final arrangements. Jacques Gordon. By special engagement Jacques Gordon, the concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will head the school of violin at the American Conservatory. Mr. Gordon is an accomplished master of chamber music and leader of the Gordon String Quartet. He is also an excellent teacher. Other Teachers. Added to the above is the regular faculty of the school, many of the teachers having won national reputations and several of them are internationally known. These, too, find their time also completely filled during the summer session as during the regular course of the collegiate year. The American Conservatory of Music has classes in all branches of vocal and instrumental music, dramatic art, expression, public speaking, modern languages, dancing, etc., and has inaugurated a school for theater organ playing. Peterson Closes Season in Bisbee, Ariz. Bisbee, Ariz., May 18.—May Peterson closed the musical season here recently with a program that delighted a large and enthusiastic audience. The program was well arranged and gave the singer wide scope in which to display her lovely voice and polished style of singing. According to the Daily Review: “Peterson captivated her audience with the introducing bars of her opening Mozart selection and she held her hearers enthralled until the closing notes of her homage to spring had echoed into silence. Several of of the numbers were familiar to her critical listeners, but her rendition made them seem as new. Her voice, heightened by true natural diction and emotional warmth, was flawless. As an artist, she is sincere almost to a fault, with a humanness that makes for the perfect recital and a no less perfect evening for the audience.” G. P. Martin Richardson Marries Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chalmers Owens, of 146 Riverside Drive, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Margaret Negley, to Martin Mower Richardson, of New York, in Christ Church on Saturday, May 19. Mr. Richardson is a concert singer and has sung in opera in Italy, and in concert in London, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, Cincinnati, and many other cities of the United States. He is the son of the late William Henry Richardson, of Maine and Minnesota, and Mary Mower Richardson. He will return to New York in the fall to resume his concert work. During the summer Mr. and Mrs. Richardson will reside at Mohonk Lake, N. Y. The successful exponent of the real Italian vocal method Phone 4045 Fitz Roy Maestro A. SEISMIT-DODA 54 West 39th Street, New York (Composer, member Royal Academy of St. Cecilia of Rome, Italy; formerly of the faculty vocal and coaching department National Conservatory of Music of New York, and of New York German Conservatory of Music. Chevalier of the Crown of Italy.) FLOYD F. JONES Tenor CONCERT, ORATORIO, OPERA—TEACHER OF SINGING 905 Lyon & Healy Building, Chicago, 111. GRACE STEVENSON Concert Harpist-Teacher For terms and dates address 317 West 93rd Street, New York Phone Riverside 7988 Evelyn MaoNevin CONTRALTO “Her voice is one of unusual beauty and volume.”—New York Herald. “Her tone is of high quality, and she never fails in intonation.”—Toronto Daily Star. Exclusive Management R. E. JOHNSTON 1451 Broadway New York The thirty-seventh annual summer session and master school of the American Conservatory of Music of Chicago, of which John J. Hattstaedt is president, will begin this year on June 25 and close August 4. The faculty of the conservatory, which is one of the strongest to be found anywhere, has been re-enforced for the summer session by such instructors as Josef Lhevinne, Delia Valeri, William S. Brady and George H. Gartlan. The summer school of the American Conservatory has achieved a nation-wide reputation, scores of students and teachers from all sections of the country making up a great part of its regular attendance. Josef Lhevinne. An outstanding feature of the summer session of 1923 is the fourth consecutive engagement of this great artist and instructor to conduct master classes in the piano department. A biography of Lhe-vinne’s career is unnecessary, as all the readers of this paper have long recognized in him an international figure in the musical world. Mr. Lhevinne’s c la s s e s during the past three seasons have ׳been attended by the flower of America’s younger talent, including all professional pianists, teachers and advanced students from all parts of the country, Canada and Mexico, who have eagerly embraced this unique opportunity to place themselves under the guidance of a great master. Mr. Lhevinne will give private instruction and conduct repertory teachers’ classes. Teachers and students who are unable to engage either private or repertory class lessons may join the auditors’ class. William S. Brady. The extraordinary success scored last season by William S. Brady induced the management to secure the services of this master of the voice again for the coming session at the American Conservatory. Mr. Brady’s career in New York City has been a great success, as many of his pupils are to be found at the head of their profession, either in opera o r concert. M r . Brady will- again give private instruction and also repertory classes. His classes in Chicago last season attracted many leading singers and teachers from every section of the country. As last year, in the repertory teachers’ class, subjects which enter WILLIAM BRADY vitally into the work of both the teacher and singer will be discussed. Among these are the following: breath control, voice production, diction, phrasing, expression and interpretation, analysis of voices, teaching material, etc. Mr. Brady is a strong believer in the ability of young American singers to succeed in all fields of the art. Delia Valeri. The American Conservatory has good reason to feel elated to have secured as guest instructor Delia Valeri, an artist so universally admired that her engagement at this Chicago school reflects credit on that institution. The celebrities who have placed themselves under her guidance and grate-fully acknowledge the remarkable results of her work are numerous. A special Valeri circular will be mailed by the management of the American Conservatory of Music on DELIA VALERI application. Like Lhevinne, Mme. Valeri will give private instruction and conduct a repertory-teachers’ class. George H. Gartlan. Director of public school music in the City of New York, eminent as an instructor and educator, recognized as an authority on all subjects pertaining to public school musk, is George H. Gartlan, who has again been secured by the American Conservatory to deliver a series of sixty lectures specially designed for supervisors. While any member of the class in public school music may attend, _ it might be stated that the subjects discussed will be specially adapted JOSEF LHEVINNE Edwin Hughes THE EMINENT AMERICAN PIANIST f New York City Steinway Piano 316 West 102nd Street Coach and Accompanist to MARTINELLI for six years Studio: 1231 Broadway, New York Phone Schmyler 6598 ROXAS Vocal Coach E M I L I о ANIL DEER Coloratura Soprano Western Management: Adoìph Knauer 79 Central Ave., San Francise ARTHUR J. HUBBARD INSTRUCTOR { Carofurne^Hooker31**1 SYMPHONY CHAMBERS, BOSTON Mrs. Cornelia Colton Hollister Dramatic Soprano Originator of “Musical Dreams.” Successfully presented “The Vision.” “A Little Bit of Here and There Then, Where?” Member Toledo Operatic Association 2008 Collingwood Ave Toledo Choral Society Toledo, Ohio LEON RAINS VOCAL INSTRUCTION Studio: 292 West 92nd St., New York Telephone R'rsrslde 9486 Harpist Management: WALTER ANDERSON ANNIE LOUISE DAVID Phone: 1212 Bryant :: 1452 Broadway, N. Y. | L E X Z Violin Instruction SUMMER CLASS Private Studio: 137 West 86th St.. New York Tel. 3580 Schuyler NYIRECYHAZI (Pronounced NEAR-EDGE-HARZI) “Excited a veritable furore through his personality and his playing.”—Los Angeles Times. Management: R. E. JOHNSTON 1451 Broadway Associates: L. G. Breld and Paul Longone New York City Knabe Piano Used Ampico Records RIEMENSCHNEIDER Organist and Director of Music, Euclid Avenue Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio. Director, Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music, Berea, Ohio. CONCERT ORGANIST—PIANO AND ORGAN STUDIO For Recitals or Instruction Address Berea, Ohio. Piano Studio, 707 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. !MACBETH E Chicago Grand Opera Management: National Concerta, Inc., 1451 Broadway, New York. гиссбвмАск EDWIN SCHNEIDER, Accompani.t Manager: CHARLES L. WAGNER D. F. McSweeney, Associate Manager, 511 Fifth Ате. (Postal Life Bldg.), New Yo.i Stein way Piano Uaed. EDOARDO PETRI TEACHER OF SINGING Mr. Petri announces that he will continue to teach privately through the Summer months without interruption. Studio 1425 Broadway New York City Telephone Pennsylvania 2628