.111111111111111111111ШШ11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111!111111111111111|1||||||1||1Ш11|||111111||11||1|111||||!111111111111111Ш CAFE MUSÉUM WILLY BUEMESTER, violinist, who is coming to the United, States next fall for a trans-continental concert tour, opening at Carnegie Hall October 20. PROF. THEODORE LESCHETIZKY. This is an interesting photograph of the famous Vienna piano teacher who died only a few years ago at a very advanced age. It was taken at the Semmering, a mountain resort near Vienna, by Ethel Newcomb, the tvell known pianist and teacher and author of the best book about Leschetizky. Miss Neivcomb was studying with him at the time, and the same year Mark Twain and his daughter, Clara Clemens (Qabrilowitsch), were spending the summer in the same little village. THE ROSSES OF VIENNESE OPERETTA, as seen by a Vienna cartoonist. Reproduction of a rare old cartoon showing Vienna’s prominent operetta composers, librettists, publishers and producers, assembled at the famous Café Museum which is the headquarters of Viennese operetta writers. (1) Oscar Straus, (2) Ludwig Englander, (3)Heinrich Reinhardt, (If) Franz Lehar, (5) Robert Bodanzky (librettist, and brother of Artur Bodanzky), (6), Edmund Eysler, (7) Emmerich Kalman, (8) Dr. Julius Ilorngold, the Vienna music critic, (9) Oscar Nedbal, (10) Leo Fall. LIBUSHKA BARTUSEK-BROWN, who presented the Libushka School of the Dance in ballet performance at the Studebaker Theater, Chicago, on May 27. ON SHIP-BOARD WITH LEGINSKA. When the pianist sailed not so long ago for Europe, she was given a hearty send-off by a number of her devoted pupils, several of whom will join her abroad this summer for study and appearances in London and Berlin. (1) Leginska taking movies on the Majestic, and (2) with two of her pupils, Paula Pardee and Lucille Oliver. ASHLEY PETTIS, pianist, photographed with some of his admirers in front of the auditorium of the Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Tex., where he recently gave a recital. Rogers Cockiell, former pupil, is head of the piano department. Mr. Pettis will remain in New York during the summer, working on programs for next season, two of which are made up completely of American works. His tour during October, November and December ivill extend through the South to the Pacific Coast, and he ivill return East in January. He will hold a summer class especially for out-of-town students and teachers. Special attention will be given to the analysis of the structure of the works studied, with the view of simplifying the process of memorizing. A number of his former pupils are holding responsible positions in colleges throughout the country. CHAMLEE OFF FOR EUROPE. Mario Chamlee, the young Metropolitan opera tenor, with his wife, Ruth Miller, the soprano, sailed for Europe, May 23, on the S. S. France. Also on the same ship were Ottokar Bartik, the Metropolitan ballet master, and Mrs. Bartik. Mr. Bartik will arrange for the concert Mr. Chamlee is to give in Ijondon. Another Metropolitan artist on the same ship was Lucrezia Bori, and Mme. Kousnetzova, xvho has just been singing with the Gallo forces in Cuba, also sailed. (Fotograms photo) DICIE HOWELL AND FRIEDA KLINK, snapped at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. The soprano and contralto were soloists at the annual spring concert given by the New Jersey College for Women and Rutgers College, under the leadership of Howard D. McKinney, composer and director.