11 MUSICAL COURIER May 31, 1923 “THE BEST RECITAL WE EVER HEARD” Deems Taylor, the distinguished music critic, in his review of the events of the past season in the New York World, Sunday, May 13, 1923, says: “We have been looking back over the season, evoking the musical events that we remember with the greatest pleasure. They make a queerly assorted collection as they emerge from forgetfulness, a jumble of pictures and sound-memories, some blurred, some sharp, some assuming a retrospective importance that they did not at all possess at the time of their happening, and with no common bond of apparent order or logic beyond the fact that we like to think of them. ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN “Music is a sensitive art and an essentially spon- Pianist taneous one. THE BEST RECITAL WE EVER HEARD WAS IN A DRAWING ROOM ONE NIGHT WHEN PAUL KOCHANSKI and ARTHUR RUBINSTEIN PLAYED WHAT THEY FELT LIKE PLAYING TO SOME PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO HEAR IT; AND IT HAS SPOILED US FOR ALL OTHERS.” SEASON 1923-1924 NOW BOOKING For Terms and Dates Address GEORGE ENGLES, Aeolian Hall, New York DUO-ART RECORDS STEIN WAY PIANO VOCALION RED RECORDS PAUL KOCHANSKI Violinist